Is this mold or ?


Active Member
Was checking my seedling for roots (yep, time to transplant), but saw some white powder (mildew, mold?) on the bottom... it’s not much, so I don’t plan on doing anything special when I transplant, but wanted to confirm with the experts what this is, for sure.


Planted as seed 14 days ago
Plain water only
T5s at ~8” (18/6)
2” Starter Pot
Watered daily, misted twice in-between

looks like the onset of mold watering daily is a little excess and medium looks to wet. you may want to try repotting the plant, and this time make sure that you are growing in sterilized soil and dont water so much mine are 3 days old and i only water every 2nd or 3rd day. if you dont want to repot carefully stir up the soil on top with a small fork and be carefull not to touch roots as top layer looks to compacted and solid remember roots need oxygen as well good luck
looks like the onset of mold watering daily is a little excess and medium looks to wet. you may want to try repotting the plant, and this time make sure that you are growing in sterilized soil and dont water so much mine are 3 days old and i only water every 2nd or 3rd day

Sorry, should have stated that the pics were taken right after watering... not normally quite so wet looking. :)

Previously I used a sterile seedling soil and it was a terrible experience. So, this time I wanted to try something a little different and went straight to FFOF. I don't think it was that the seedling soil it was sterile before, though, but rather just a bad mix. Water would sit on top of it... o_O

Alright, next time through, I'll cut back on the watering a little, let it get more dry in between.

Thanks for the feedback!
Harmless saprophytic fungi. Nothing to worry about. If you transplant when the soil is dry you stand less of a chance of ripping the root ball apart. FFOF is pretty hot mix so no fertilizer for a month or so. Some guys go all the way thru veg without fertilizing in FFOF
Harmless saprophytic fungi. Nothing to worry about. If you transplant when the soil is dry you stand less of a chance of ripping the root ball apart. FFOF is pretty hot mix so no fertilizer for a month or so. Some guys go all the way thru veg without fertilizing in FFOF

Ahhh; thank you!

Yeah, I won't be feeding this plant for a long time. It just moved into a 1 gal FFOF pot, then in a couple weeks or so it'll jump into 5 gals of FFOF. Last time, I did feed ONCE during veg. It was a mistake. :lol: Thankfully, just a small one and only burned tips.

I hear, occasionally, people grumbling about FFOF, especially with newbiews, but I'm loving the stuff... Is it just being that it so hot, too many people burn their plants, or is there some other hidden trap with FFOF that I haven't bumped into yet?
No FFOF is good soil. I used to direct seed into it. I’d wet the whole pot to 10% runoff, then let it sit for a day or so then plant. Always had good success. I think where new growers get in trouble with FFOF is that they want to be doing something to make the plant grow bigger faster. i.e. Fertilizing. More fertilizer doesn’t make a plant grow faster
No FFOF is good soil. I used to direct seed into it. I’d wet the whole pot to 10% runoff, then let it sit for a day or so then plant. Always had good success. I think where new growers get in trouble with FFOF is that they want to be doing something to make the plant grow bigger faster. i.e. Fertilizing. More fertilizer doesn’t make a plant grow faster

Makes sense. Thanks again!

Yeah, I'm having a lot better luck with FFOF direct seed than I did with the sterile seedling stuff I used before.