the only reason im growing cannabis is because in 2018 suffered a near fatal saddle pulmonary embolism and ended up in critical care fighting for my life and died 4 times in one week but by the grace of god i pulled through but my life has drastically changed. im on blood thinners for the rest of my life and have been told i will never work again so what does this mean im unable to work so im on a benefit living week to week sometimes going 2-3 times a week without food and im barely existing so ive decided to break the law and grow weed because A i need money to survive and B it helps keep my blood pressure down by taking micro doses of edible weed snacks i make. i have been put on all different types of drugs including clanozapam which i flat out refused and cannabis is the only medicine that works for me
last year i had 2 plants growing in my garden in a low key spot and the police raided my house and i was arrested for cannabis cultivation and intent to supply and was strictly for my own use and was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment and thats how messed up it in in nzand thats why im pushing for legalization for medical supply
nz needs to legalize cannabis for medical purposes as im currently break the law punishable by 2 years imprisonment for a plant that is medicinal and helps me stay alive longer. i dont have any money to setup a indoor grow which is what i want to do but im never a person to put there hand out ill slowly save and get there
what i would like is for you to sign my online petition to legalize it for medical purposes
last year i had 2 plants growing in my garden in a low key spot and the police raided my house and i was arrested for cannabis cultivation and intent to supply and was strictly for my own use and was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment and thats how messed up it in in nzand thats why im pushing for legalization for medical supply
nz needs to legalize cannabis for medical purposes as im currently break the law punishable by 2 years imprisonment for a plant that is medicinal and helps me stay alive longer. i dont have any money to setup a indoor grow which is what i want to do but im never a person to put there hand out ill slowly save and get there

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