She dead?


Well-Known Member
Hard call! Gentle lights and a light breeze wil be her best hope. I had one try to die on my right before flower. After stripping the dead she was pretty naked
Pure water (I'm hydro anyway) gentle breeze and some time. she is now 4 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just optimistic. I would start another asap, but I wouldn't toss her just yet. Set her around the edge of your light and give her every chance at survival. She is genetically programmed to fight for survival, we all are. She is a weed and known to survive some harsh traumas. AND you have new growth at the base!


Well-Known Member
My cat ate my plant 5 days ago and she is looking bad she can survive?
First photo 5 days ago
And 2 now
Can i do anything?
I see 3 or 4 branches starting. If even one branch makes it, an entire plant can be grown from it and it will almost be like it never happened. Let it go and see what happens, you'll know within a week.