Watering Nutrient Schedule


Just about to flip my plant to 12/12 and have been reading a lot of mixed advice about nutrients schedule. Some feed once a week, others feed every other day and water in between. Any tried and true advice out there?


Well-Known Member
Ask 10 people get 10 different answers. Figure out what works best for you.
In flower I use the Lucas formula with a little added calmag supplement. Initial watering for me will be around 900ppm in 2 gallon watering can. Then add pure water after watering which lowers the ppm to like 700ppm. Water again then cut with water again to 500ppm. Use all the water and start whole process over again @ 900ppm. Last week or so just plain water. Plant should have enough stored to get to the finish line.


Well-Known Member
And you give 2 gallons in one go? Sorry forgot to say I’m growing in soil.
No. I mix 2 gallons @ 900ppm. Then fill the can back up to 2 gallons after watering. Basically I'm watering the original solution down twice then starting with a fresh can @ 900ppm. Water until you get a little runoff then wait until the pot is light to water again.


Active Member
I"ve been looking into your question for my own reasons and finding interesting info for us growers to know about EC control and PH stacking in differet medium with watering practices. For example Grodan cubes recommend very high EC but you have to understand the differetn growing techniques and steps to do so. One example is low light LEDs where plants won't feed much and high EC to keep PH.
This video also has watering PH and EC management info near the start. Also check out that channel for another one on watering frequency with MArk Wittman.
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