What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Was it on AP or Reuters? Seems suspect that a plant in Arizona would have that as the first thing you read. There is a lot of propaganda websites (like OANN) that look like they are actually news but are not (local too).
I searched to see if AZ was a Democrat state...n one of the 1st things I read was explaining that tho its generally been a Republican state BO n HC have been heavily invested in the state...which to me raises a suspicion as to why the coal operation there is closed ...but maybe I'm seeing what I wanna see


Well-Known Member
I searched to see if AZ was a Democrat state...n one of the 1st things I read was explaining that tho its generally been a Republican state BO n HC have been heavily invested in the state...which to me raises a suspicion as to why the coal operation there is closed ...but maybe I'm seeing what I wanna see
Likely, Trump ripping kids form their moms arms and stuffing them in cages, then shipping those kids all around the country only to lose them and adopt them out to evangelicals may have an impact with the voting trend.
Screen Shot 2020-08-31 at 1.30.13 PM.png


Well-Known Member
It wasn't that...I'm outta here anyway man someone wants to delete my posts....I was just talking sorry if I offended anyone
I don't think you posted anything that would warrant deletion. But the wall shit is racist propaganda Trump used as his election platform.

But this website is for real under attack and it is worth understanding how every form of media is being used to push Trump's false narratives and stop discussions, best of luck.


Well-Known Member
There might even be more than 10 before election day.
The 10 Senate seats most likely to flip in 2020

(CNN)With the political conventions behind us and Labor Day approaching, it's the time of year when down-ballot elections start to kick into high gear. At the start of the 2020 cycle, the Senate wasn't expected to be all that exciting, with Republicans largely on defense in red states.
But that's changed. With President Donald Trump trailing in national polls, Democratic challengers raking in millions and demographics shifting across the South, many of those Republican incumbents are sitting in states that don't look as red as they used to.

Democrats need a net gain of three seats to flip the chamber if they also win the White House -- since the vice president would break a tie -- or four seats if Trump wins reelection. Although those net gains are possible, Democrats' path is still complicated by the fact that they're likely to lose a seat in Alabama, where Sen. Doug Jones tops CNN's inaugural ranking of the 10 Senate seats most likely to flip in 2020.

Still, eight of the top 10 seats on this list are held by Republicans. That the GOP is on defense is a reflection of their success in 2014. Half of the senators on this list are Republicans who were first elected six years ago. Two others are longtime incumbents who are facing their toughest challenges yet in South Carolina and Maine.

Besides Alabama, one other Democrat-held seat comes in at the bottom: Gary Peters of Michigan is the only other Democrat running for reelection this year in a state Trump carried, albeit narrowly, in 2016. But Peters is not raising major alarm bells for national Democrats, especially in a state that looks to be moving away from Trump. It's possible this race drops off the list in subsequent rankings.

Related: See CNN's presidential ratings and make your own map here

Several other GOP-held seats could move onto the list in the future. Texas, for example, is a politically evolving state, and the presidential race there is closer than Republicans would like. But this year's Democratic Senate nominee doesn't have anywhere near the kind of money Beto O'Rourke did two years ago, while GOP Sen. John Cornyn isn't as disliked as Sen. Ted Cruz. The Lone Star State is worth watching, though.

So is Georgia. Sen. David Perdue's seat falls in the bottom half of our ranking, but the state's other seat is also competitive. Appointed Sen. Kelly Loeffler faces Republicans and Democrats on the same ballot in the November special election, which will likely go to a January runoff. With so many moving parts, it's too soon to tell whether this seat deserves to be on the list, but there's no question it's causing an extra headache for Republicans.

Two other Republican-held seats -- Kansas and, to a greater extent, Kentucky -- are generating buzz this year, too, but neither is likely to grace the top 10 list anytime soon. Kris Kobach could have jeopardized the open Kansas seat had he won the GOP primary, but national Republicans got the candidate they wanted. And in Kentucky, Democrat Amy McGrath is outraising Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose lead has dipped into single digits in a recent public poll. The Bluegrass State elected a Democratic governor in 2019, but McGrath -- who has sometimes stumbled as a candidate -- is still fighting an uphill battle during a presidential year.


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Well-Known Member
A famous quote from a eugenics fellow by the name of Davenport asked " Can we build a wall high enough to keep out these cheaper races". Back in the early 1900'sish. Not much has changed. I think the guy that started Kellogg's and Alexander Graham Bell was involved. Hitler sent the head of the eugenics group fan mail while in prison. He really liked the idea of getting rid of the less alpha. Trump likes heros that aren't captured. And makes fun of everyone.


more like complete necrosis..time to amputate..we can't do 5 months of this..the country won't survive.

he's going to have to leave before his term is over.
Are you on crack...this shit show called amerika has been on life support FOR 20 years.
Amputate? Leave is more like it!!

This shit show will survive...its going tp be a sad ass mess when its all said and done