Aussie Growers Thread

5 years before parole. first offence. Tough sentance.
But when you think about it its about as large as it gets grow wise, alot of people tbink you go to jail for a very long time for this stuff but heres a bloke with a ridiculously sized farm and he gets 7 years parole after 5. Not that id be happy with that sentence
I thought about making one, but after crunching the numbers there wasn't much difference in price, plus I'm a self confessed lazy fucker

size for size hoop houses make sense once you go longer than 3m base. At that point you get decent height, using something like 40-64mm ag poly pipe and adding cross supports (most people tec screw roofing battons on) to tie the hoops together and keep them standing. Can wall the ends in and make some decent sized greenhouses pretty cheap.
Hey guys,

For those that do outdoor what's the earliest date that you start seeds in East coast aus without the risk of them flowering early and then reveging??
I’ve started beginning of September many times and been fine although the cold nights will sometimes stall the growth until later in the month even entering October unless you protect them with a mini glass house or something similar . Or you can start them indoors for a couple weeks beginning of September then put them outside later in the month giving them a stronger start . If Spring takes a bit longer to get going your probably better off waiting till last week of September or first week of October for a more sure fire start to the season .
Hey guys,

For those that do outdoor what's the earliest date that you start seeds in East coast aus without the risk of them flowering early and then reveging??

Right about now works for me. They start off pretty slow, but have never had one flower. I get cold nights though, warmer nights might be different.

I'd say you are fine.
Hey guys,

For those that do outdoor what's the earliest date that you start seeds in East coast aus without the risk of them flowering early and then reveging??

depends on how far north you are. Personally I’ve had reveg from girls planted in September in mid nsw. when doing outdoors I plant early-mid October.
depends on how far north you are. Personally I’ve had reveg from girls planted in September in mid nsw. when doing outdoors I plant early-mid October.

I am just south of Goldcoast.. Can't afford to waste these beans with them revegging they waste to much time when they should be growing!! A few years back I tried starting indoors for a few weeks under 16hr of light but when I put them outside mid October they flowered then revegged... Not sure if was because the light was too strong (600w mh) or the reduction in light going from 16 to outside
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I am just south of Goldcoast.. Can't afford to waste these beans with them revegging they waste to much time when they should be growing!! A few years back I tried starting indoors for a few weeks under 16hr of light but when I put them outside mid October they flowered then revegged... Not sure of cause the light was too strong (600w mh)

it would have been because of the difference in light hours. Gold Coast and pretty much all of qld has a pretty short season if you look at a daylight calculator. I wouldn’t be putting beans in the ground before October. If you start them inside you’ll need small lights outside you can reduce slightly each week to stop them flipping. Starting seeds outdoors would be better as you get that initial 4-6 weeks where they’re too imature to flower
I start them in lol pots or solo cups 1st week October then when the harvest full moon is at it point I transplant into holes
Normally 2 weeks roughly after I've started them in the cups I transplant to the ground

What Lattitude are you at?
What Lattitude are you at?
Dunno but south Australia
New moon where I am is Sept the 2nd so would Normly grow in solo cups during Oct and transplant into ground Sept 2
If I stick to last year's routine
But in general oct6th to end of Oct is best for starting beans outside naturally in my area
Dunno but south Australia
New moon where I am is Sept the 2nd so would Normly grow in solo cups during Oct and transplant into ground Sept 2
If I stick to last year's routine
But in general oct6th to end of Oct is best for starting beans outside naturally in my area
Do ya mean oct 2?
Dunno but south Australia
New moon where I am is Sept the 2nd so would Normly grow in solo cups during Oct and transplant into ground Sept 2
If I stick to last year's routine
But in general oct6th to end of Oct is best for starting beans outside naturally in my area
Edit that I mean nov anywhere I've stated Sept lol
So i start in solo cups from first week Oct then by nov they are in the ground In general if there is the new moon sometime in that period I do it that day