Slow Growth

Daniel Jonathan

New Member
Hey guys, i have an Amnesia Haze seedling currently on week 3, and it seems to be slowing growth for week 3. My setup is DWC and I'm using spider farmer and 60 watts cob led. Both on lowest intensity. My p.H is 6 but there seems to be no roots growing from under the mashpot. Why does this happen? DO you guys have any idea? Can you guys help me out? Also this is the first time I'm growing in my life.

P/S- One part of the tip of the round leave (first set of leaves), is slightly black due to the seed sticking on the leaf for sometime when it was growing. eventually it dropped 3 days ago and the tip became like that, is that something to be worried?


Daniel Jonathan

New Member
So for now I have came this far with rockwool and I'm afraid to transport it to rapid rooter. I'm scared it might hurt or shock the root by transplanting into another medium. Thus, do you have any idea on how to safe this baby to become a mother
general hydroponics rapid rooters is what i use. i get mine off ebay.

Harper J

Active Member
Rockwool is staying way too damp. When it's a seeding, I drip about 15 mL of water onto the center of the rockwool only when it's almost dry. The 15 mL is just enough to cause a couple of drops of runoff out of the net basket to encourage the root to seek water, but also provide the plant with enough moisture. You can transplant if you must, but if your rapid rooter stays too moist you will still have the same problem. Check out my grow and how finicky I was with the rockwool. I also had to perform lifesaving procedures on my seedling lol.

Daniel Jonathan

New Member
Rockwool is staying way too damp. When it's a seeding, I drip about 15 mL of water onto the center of the rockwool only when it's almost dry. You can transplant if you must, but if your rapid rooter stays too moist you will still have the same problem. Check out my grow and how finicky I was with the rockwool. I also had to perform lifesaving procedures on my seedling lol.
Yes , that is what I thought too and I reduced the water in the storage tank so that it touches the base. the rockwool doesn't look damp now. but how to know for sure, how damp is the rockwool?

Harper J

Active Member
When there is no roots, I don't fill the res all the way up. I just do a gallon at the bottom with the airstone going. When I need to water I use an eye dropper to drip water from the res onto the rockwool. When a root appears out the bottom of the basket/netpot, then I raise the water level but only up to 1-3 away from the netpot. Even though the root isnt touching water, the bubbles cause moisture to fill the 3 inch gap and is able to provide enough moisture for the root to extend into the water. If the res is too high, the bubbles could cause the rockwool to stay too moist. The waterline should not be touching the rockwool at all, not even the basket. You could probably still save her, but if you started a new seed right now and kept the one you got. The new seed would probably outgrow the one that is overwatered before it fully recovered. It's gonna take some practice for you to get the dampness down perfect. If the rockwool looks wet, it's probably too wet. It has to look sort of dry, but still feel wet to the touch. If you let it dry out completely it could also die. So like I said you just have to learn the balance for you. My grow has a ton of airflow so I had to drip water once in the morning and once at night. 15mL once or twice a day would prob work for you too. Main thing right now is getting it almost dry.

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
So for now I have came this far with rockwool and I'm afraid to transport it to rapid rooter. I'm scared it might hurt or shock the root by transplanting into another medium. Thus, do you have any idea on how to safe this baby to become a mother
I hate to break it to you but those seedlings are goners. If that’s how they look at week three, that’s how they’re going to look three months from now, if they’re even alive. They’re permanently stunted so you should just start over. It sucks but you live and you learn.

Harper J

Active Member
I hate to break it to you but those seedlings are goners. If that’s how they look at week three, that’s how they’re going to look three months from now, if they’re even alive. They’re permanently stunted so you should just start over. It sucks but you live and you learn.
Mrs. Weedstein always droppin knowledge.


Well-Known Member
If you don't remove the seed shell and membrane from the second one it will surely die from exhaustion.
Mist it with water to soften it and gently remove with tweezers or a toothpick.


Well-Known Member
Yup, theyre toast. Start again with RRs as discussed. Be gentle with keeping RR wet, 2/3 shots from a mister x 2 a day is enough. I think most people drown their seeds at this point.

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
If you don't remove the seed shell and membrane from the second one it will surely die from exhaustion.
Mist it with water to soften it and gently remove with tweezers or a toothpick.
A normally developing seedling is usually able to shed a seed shell without problem. This one, though, probably will croak.

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
You guys are being really sweet but I think the OP needs to know a basic fact. A three week old seedling that looks like this:


Is not heading toward a happy future, whether or not anyone removes that seed husk. That seedling is the walking dead. He can keep it alive perhaps and maybe in 6 months time it may snap out of having its roots drowned, but how about we save him the trouble?

Am I being a dick? We’re talking about a seedling. It’s like one of the sprouts my wife puts on my sandwiches sometimes. The poor fucker probably paid an arm and a leg for it but it’s not a dead child.

Daniel Jonathan

New Member
Hi guys, this is the update from the earlier pic. I followed your advice by adjusting the position of the rockwool to reduce the dampness. N
a sterilized needle and a steady hand will fix that issue.
Yes , that is what I thought too and I reduced the water in the storage tank so that it touches the base. the rockwool doesn't look damp now. but how to know for sure, how damp is the rockwool?
ow the rockwool doesn't seem to be damp and apparently new roots are starting to grow at the side of the rockwool as you can see? Is this a good indication that the seedling is growing again?

