Danky^danks grow thread!!!! LED lowryder


Well-Known Member
stay the fuck outa my thread. im sick of it. people have already said mylar would help. im not spending anymore money on my grow. you have come into my thread and said my plant was weak, called me a "kyke" so shut the fuck up and piss off
i think he was jus tryin to help..dunno bout ur previous conflicts lol :joint: >>>>> chill chill :weed:


Well-Known Member
:) aight i am drunk as fuck -

ey anyone know that dude from ufc the english dude.. he's so funny.. oh and check this video out i laugh my ass off each time man !


ohhh this is so funny... i love it


Well-Known Member
:) aight i am drunk as fuck -

ey anyone know that dude from ufc the english dude.. he's so funny.. oh and check this video out i laugh my ass off each time man !


ohhh this is so funny... i love it
drunk ass!!! LMAO:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I just red this thread, and I red all of it 'cause I'm a litte bored right now...

First of all since you have the HPS your Grow is going nice!

Your leafs in the middle probably are adjusting to the CFL not up to the HPS, so don't worry about that... LED Panels=Waste of Money^^ I've never seen a 70Watts HPS before, cool thing for very small Grow^^

You should never have put this thin foil there, I've seen a picture a few pages before with just the white plastik, it's kind of the best thing you can use, I thougt you put this there for light reflection and after I saw the thin foil I thought you have smoked too much weed when you did this^^

I guess your plant needs about 3 more weeks for harvest, those autoflowering Plants are pretty fast, usually 60-70 Days from seed to harvest, some need a little more... I'll keep watching this thread :D


Well-Known Member
I just red this thread, and I red all of it 'cause I'm a litte bored right now...

First of all since you have the HPS your Grow is going nice!

Your leafs in the middle probably are adjusting to the CFL not up to the HPS, so don't worry about that... LED Panels=Waste of Money^^ I've never seen a 70Watts HPS before, cool thing for very small Grow^^

You should never have put this thin foil there, I've seen a picture a few pages before with just the white plastik, it's kind of the best thing you can use, I thougt you put this there for light reflection and after I saw the thin foil I thought you have smoked too much weed when you did this^^

I guess your plant needs about 3 more weeks for harvest, those autoflowering Plants are pretty fast, usually 60-70 Days from seed to harvest, some need a little more... I'll keep watching this thread :D
thanks for the input, i took all the tin foil down. now its all white:blsmoke: thanks again and plus rep to you;)


Well-Known Member
Snowryders are supposed to take 10 weeks and my oldest is on the 10th week and still not done so you still probably have 6 weeks left i would say.