Well-Known Member
I did some fingerling potatoes in a 5 gallon bucket. French and banana. Had over 48” of veg growth. I had two seed potatoes in ea bucket
I did some sweet corn in a 5 gallon. Peat mixed with compost. Started feeding flower nutes about a month ago. I’m in zone 3 so burrrrr! Not many have been able to get a harvest. Looks like I may get 3 cobs.
ya my night temps are always 50-60f.Containers,get moved into the garage at night for May and June.Will try starting indoors next year.Sorry to laugh but I live in the Deep South and sweet corn is a finicky crop. I rarely get what I want out of it but this year I able to get 100 ears . Next I’m growing field corn, have you tried it. If you have the space you could try starting it inside and move outside after frost.
Good luck.
We had a forecast low of 69F last week, but it didn't happen. It's supposed to get down to 74 tonight. That is about normal for this time of year. The next three weeks will be the hottest of the year. In the 90's everyday with high humidity.ya my night temps are always 50-60f.Containers,get moved into the garage at night for May and June.Will try starting indoors next year.
Nice gardens!! we have a frost warning for Saturday morning
Mondays forecast here in S Alberta H8 L1c with 10-15mm rain.Hope it changes.Frost warning? Not here in the Pacific Northwest. In fact it's supposed to be in the upper 90's a week from now 97° F next Thursday with lows at night in the mid 60's F. It's stupid hot and not a drop of rain in sight. Perfect weather for forest fires. I'm hoping for some significant rain in the next ten days.
8:30 PM current conditions in Portland.
83° F and 37% humidity.
Not sure. But ours was tender when we took an early sample. Then leathery at the end of season.Does anyone have a clue as to why white corn would be tough? We watered the hell out of it, every other day with a drip line, so I don't think it was a water issue. Possibly waited too long to harvest?