What has Trump done to this country?


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Trump says he'll use his own cash to fund his campaign if needed ....
“ How about an IOU ? ... I‘m good for it . “

President Trump on Tuesday said he'll use personal funds to help his reelection campaign if necessary. Since he has burned thru approximately $200 million in cash ......... so far.

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Both Mr. Trump and Joe Biden have built massive war chests, but Biden, along with the Democratic National Committee and joint fundraising efforts raised $364.5 million in August — a record one-month haul. The Trump campaign has not yet announced its August fundraising totals. On Tuesday, the president blamed the coronavirus pandemic and the media for his campaign's high spending so far.

"Because of the China Virus, my Campaign, which has raised a lot of money, was forced to spend in order to counter the Fake News reporting about the way we handled it (China Ban, etc.). We did, and are doing, a GREAT job, and have a lot of money left over, much more than 2016...Like I did in the 2016 Primaries, if more money is needed, which I doubt it will be, I will put it up!" the president tweeted.

Federal Election Commission records show the president's spending in the 2016 campaign cycle included money to his businesses and family members for expenses related to events and travel costs. And assorted big money spending on bigger and better campaign style events.

Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien told reporters Tuesday he is now "carefully managing" the campaign's budget. Stepien came on board this summer, replacing former campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Stepien brushed aside the reports of a cash shortfall and said from now until November 3, the Trump team will have more to spend than it did during the same period in 2016....... Remember that Trump is the self proclaimed “ King of Debt “.

"We're very comfortable and confident in where we're spending and how much we're going to have down the stretch," Stepien said.

The Trump campaign is also launching a new ad campaign called "The Great American Comeback" and will air ads starting today in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan, Stepien said.

The poster child of “ Loser “.
Fuck Trump 2020
Can you even imagine how much of that money he has Bannoned?


Well-Known Member
The puke can't get out of his own way, he loves the camera and his own voice so much, he hangs himself constantly and then waits for his minions to cheer him on...and they do. Be frugal Joe, this guy is doing the work for you.


Well-Known Member
Think of the thousands of needless deaths. trump should be hauled straight to The Hague on Jan 22.

'Play it down': Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book


Well-Known Member
Here is great song to blast ( I recently sent over to one of my mind controlled trump sack licker relatives ) .....
They lost their shit and proceeded to curse me ten ways to Sunday .... too bad. ( Should be Trump’s theme )

CRANK IT UP. Enjoy :bigjoint:




Well-Known Member
Think of the thousands of needless deaths. trump should be hauled straight to The Hague on Jan 22.

'Play it down': Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book
He sanctioned members of the world court... Trump and certain republican governors have committed crimes against humanity, they didn't just betray their oaths and citizens, they are no better than mass murders. I believe what was done meets the criteria for a crime against humanity and there is talk of an investigation, sanctioning court members is an attempt to obstruct international justice, or at least investigation.


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Well-Known Member
I would like to ask where are all those same Trump People who were so fast to show there Medical increases in their Insurance premiums which seem minimal now. After the Donald gets done nobody will have any medical insurance. Now Back to Question where are all those Trumpsters showing us how much Trump made them save them of helped them in any way.

You's were so fast to show us how much Obama Care or ACA was increasing in your premiums !

Well show us PROOF that what Trumps doing is good. Hey Everyone can change their minds ya no ? I just ask because I want to see why People are so fast to Through a man under the Bus that brought us back from one of the worst Recessions yet another Republican has done.
