Is the moon considered a light leak?

I habe had autos flower in week 5 when they were 4 feet tall, I have had them flower in week 3 at 2 feet tall.

2 feet sounds like 5-7 nodes to me, which is the average for ruderalis I point is that it is neither the age nor the height which determine when it will flower, since the 5-7th node can be reached at any age and any height.
2 feet sounds like 5-7 nodes to me, which is the average for ruderalis I point is that it is neither the age nor the height which determine when it will flower, since the 5-7th node can be reached at any age and any height.
Il pay closer attention to that when I run new ones for sure.
2 feet sounds like 5-7 nodes to me, which is the average for ruderalis I point is that it is neither the age nor the height which determine when it will flower, since the 5-7th node can be reached at any age and any height.

Yeah, I don't see that being the case. You can top autos.
Yeah, I don't see that being the case. You can top autos.

When you top a plant it still continues to create nodes! They just aren't in the same place as they would be if you hadn't pruned. My guess is that it if you top it you continue to count nodes from that point up but only on one of the shoots that emerge from the pruning spot...
When you top a plant it still continues to create nodes! They just aren't in the same place as they would be if you hadn't pruned. My guess is that it if you have top it you continue to count nodes on only one of the shoots that emerge from the pruning spot...

I get what you're saying. But don't agree. I've toped at node 4-5 and it continues till it might not flower for however many more nodes.....

And node spacing can be manipulated so amount of nodes does not equate to hight
An autoflower does not RE-veg! They will start flowering around 2-4 weeks depending on the strain and never look back.
I had one flower at 5 weeks I also had one flower at 6 weeks.

And yes I had one reveg. But hey its impossible so yea.
You can also cut off all buds on an auto and reveg it. It will act like a photo at that point and in order to get it to flowrr again you need 12/12.

But hey they cant reveg right?
I had one flower at 5 weeks I also had one flower at 6 weeks.

And yes I had one reveg. But hey its impossible so yea.
You can also cut off all buds on an auto and reveg it. It will act like a photo at that point and in order to get it to flowrr again you need 12/12.

But hey they cant reveg right?
I dont doubt you had some flower at 5 or 6 weeks some autos will start to flower faster than others and some will finish faster than others....again this is strain dependent.

BUT...if it reveged on you than it wasn't an auto to begin with.
I had one flower at 5 weeks I also had one flower at 6 weeks.

And yes I had one reveg. But hey its impossible so yea.
You can also cut off all buds on an auto and reveg it. It will act like a photo at that point and in order to get it to flowrr again you need 12/12.

But hey they cant reveg right?

I don't think the way the leaf looks has to do with reveging.....that can be genetics. Look at duck foot.

Never heard of the clip off all the buds......please show me where you have seen that.
Now i'm paranoid lol I have a greenhouse that is near a house window, gets some light from the neighbors porch light plus has IR from a security camera inside. :o 2nd grow season and everything has been ok hopefully that continues.
I don't think the way the leaf looks has to do with reveging.....that can be genetics. Look at duck foot.

Never heard of the clip off all the buds......please show me where you have seen that.
Here are 2 of countless records of this behavior.