just dogs


  • Sit

    Votes: 43 16.6%
  • Fetch

    Votes: 47 18.1%
  • Belly Scratchers

    Votes: 82 31.7%
  • Dog Farts

    Votes: 69 26.6%
  • Leg Humps

    Votes: 28 10.8%
  • Cookie? Good boy..

    Votes: 59 22.8%
  • @Ceasar Milan, Fuck you!

    Votes: 105 40.5%

  • Total voters
I just thought I would share my dogs mis-adventure over the holiday. And some un-needed vet costs. 104# Siberian husky. Tried to eat bumble"carpenter" bee. It stung him in the mouth of course. His left side of his snout and face swelled pretty good. The wife panicked and did the usual drama thing. As it was early AM the next morning ,3AM, that we noticed the swelling. Safe cure is 1mg. benedryl per pound of benadryl every eight to twelve hours until swelling goes away. Any longer than 48 hours and please consult a vet. In the first 12 hours his swelling moved to the other side of his face. More benedryl and fine in 6 hours. Was scary looking at first. Then kinda humorous for the looks and it didn't really phase him. While on meds he was the most friendly ever. And calm. Full blown monster again. But the same advice I just gave my sister in law almost $400 for at the vet. Keep your dogs healthy. They are making you healthier. 135.jpg
you can’t leave me hanging like that
To Paraphrase:

Funny you mention that - cause you know he can really drop a loaf !

Last year we got a big snow fall & I was out using my 13hp snow-blower to clear around the house. The wind was blowing variable so one minute it was blowing away from you & the next it was coming right at you.

I'm happily moving snow when I spot a steaming fresh "loaf" laying on top of about a foot of snow & instead of picking up a shovel & pitching it into the woods (and I was blowing the snow that way anyhoo) I did the smart thing & drove into it.

Wind - did I mention wind?
Well, it happened to be blowing into my face at the moment I committed the fatal laps in judgement.

Suffice to say I will NEVER, EVER try to remove dog shit with a snow blower again. :spew:
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My dog will not catch food. she will catch her ball if I don't throw it away from her, or her bone, food she will let hit her and eat it off the floor.

Mine isn't food motivated, wouldn't touch training treats as a puppy. The only time he's weird around food is when we barbecue steak. He starts drooling and whining as soon as it's off the grill. He gets his steak first or there's no peace during dinner.