Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
They really become part of the family. Losing a pet is a sad thing to go through. I often base my opinion of people on how they treat animals. That was a really nice thing you did for your pooch! +rep
Cheers for that.
I was heartbroken after he died.
I agree with you,anyone that's kind to animals are ok with me.
I can't stand any kind of animal cruelty but yet the law in most countries doesn't do much about it


Well-Known Member
Speaking of.....


Politicians here in America are useless for the most part, but every once in a while they get something right.
It's a start at least.We've similiar problems with puppy farms,I just don't understand whyn people still buy from them or at least the dodgy ones when there is something in the papers about them nearly every day.
Over here animal cruelty is only a misdemeanor and usually a conviction ends with a small fine and the person banned from owning an animal.It's definitely not a deterrant but many of those cruel people do it anyway because they like it so not sure what would deter them.I know what I'd like to do to them,an eye for an eye!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm his human slave - he's a South African Boerboel.
A word of caution though - they can be vicious like in this vid.

Gw are these all your dogs? The big ones are so gentle itch the little ones, my mastiff boo would have eaten those others he hated other dogs.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Gw are these all your dogs? The big ones are so gentle itch the little ones, my mastiff boo would have eaten those others he hated other dogs.
It is a vid I pulled off of Utube - but my big boy looks and acts very much like the SAB youngster in the vid.
I got lucky in that mine will make a hell of a lot of noise and show, he has never shown actual aggression towards any other animal or person - which brings me to a funny story.

I live in a place that does not have a lot of ethnic diversity - and a new (black) friend showed up a couple weekends ago for dinner & darts - I watched big boy closely as I'm pretty sure he's never seen a black man before.
The initial meet up he was his usual boisterous self & then he just stopped & stood stock still looking at the guy & then back at me. Then he bounced around happy as a lark with someone new to play with.
I breathed a sigh - cause I like the dog and the dude, don't want to have to find a replacement for either. ;-)


Global Moderator
Staff member
Damn what you use for a pooper scooper a Grain Shovel??
Funny you mention that - cause you know he can really drop a loaf !

Last year we got a big snow fall & I was out using my 13hp snow-blower to clear around the house. The wind was blowing variable so one minute it was blowing away from you & the next it was coming right at you.

I'm happily moving snow when I spot a steaming fresh "loaf" laying on top of about a foot of snow & instead of picking up a shovel & pitching it into the woods (and I was blowing the snow that way anyhoo) I did the smart thing & drove into it.

Wind - did I mention wind?
Well, it happened to be blowing into my face at the moment I committed the fatal laps in judgement.

Suffice to say I will NEVER, EVER try to remove dog shit with a snow blower again. :spew:


Well-Known Member
Funny you mention that - cause you know he can really drop a loaf !

Last year we got a big snow fall & I was out using my 13hp snow-blower to clear around the house. The wind was blowing variable so one minute it was blowing away from you & the next it was coming right at you.

I'm happily moving snow when I spot a steaming fresh "loaf" laying on top of about a foot of snow & instead of picking up a shovel & pitching it into the woods (and I was blowing the snow that way anyhoo) I did the smart thing & drove into it.

Wind - did I mention wind?
Well, it happened to be blowing into my face at the moment I committed the fatal laps in judgement.

Suffice to say I will NEVER, EVER try to remove dog shit with a snow blower again. :spew:

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
It is a vid I pulled off of Utube - but my big boy looks and acts very much like the SAB youngster in the vid.
I got lucky in that mine will make a hell of a lot of noise and show, he has never shown actual aggression towards any other animal or person - which brings me to a funny story.

I live in a place that does not have a lot of ethnic diversity - and a new (black) friend showed up a couple weekends ago for dinner & darts - I watched big boy closely as I'm pretty sure he's never seen a black man before.
The initial meet up he was his usual boisterous self & then he just stopped & stood stock still looking at the guy & then back at me. Then he bounced around happy as a lark with someone new to play with.
I breathed a sigh - cause I like the dog and the dude, don't want to have to find a replacement for either. ;-)
We had a similar situation with Lilly and boo, my son has two black friends the one is quite hyper jumping around getting excited when he's telling my son stories of his nights on the town, both dogs would stare at him in amazement but would never let him pet them. His other friend who was also black was much quieter and was a total dog lover when he saw them he immediately went to them to fuss them, boo was mortified he weed himself and cried like a baby, Lilly on the other hand took at him really nasty and to this day Lilly will not let either one of those boys touch her and they are very wary of her. :shock:
I love all these pics of pets they are so cute they are only thing that makes me stupid lol we have 6 chihuahuas and a bobcat-domestic mix ,were all about the pets too just take care of your animals please