Answer to my problems?


Well-Known Member
so finally I may have come up with a good watering solution, since I am a master at root rot! One guy on here told me he waters his seedling 16oz of water every 7-10 days in a 5 gallon pot. I have a 2.5 gallon, so basically one cup of water for me for around that same time. I also possibly found a possible helper, hydrogen peroxide! I'm going to add 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to my one cup of water, and give that to a plant for 7-10 days. I have a problem with over watering, I admit it. So this time, im going to stay strong and refuse to give them any water atleast until that time. Im also going to lift the pot as well to see if I can feel weight differences as time goes on. Does this sound like something that could help me. By the way, one of my babies got root rot right now, were going to try and help with the peroxide. Wish me luck, sooner or later I will get better.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Mind if we back up a minute and hit the enter button a little while we are typing?

What are you growing with? 16oz of water every 10 days is going to leave you with a starved plant if you ask me. 8oz to a 2.5 seems even less reasonable.

How do you know you have root rot? Are you growing hydro?

You went from over watering to the complete opposite, that probably won't help. Do you want help on proper watering?


Well-Known Member
Mind if we back up a minute and hit the enter button a little while we are typing?

What are you growing with? 16oz of water every 10 days is going to leave you with a starved plant if you ask me. 8oz to a 2.5 seems even less reasonable.

How do you know you have root rot? Are you growing hydro?

You went from over watering to the complete opposite, that probably won't help. Do you want help on proper watering?
Well its a really long story, i had root rot last time growing, I kept that soil last time, and i mixed it with the soil im using now to start . I water consistently because I don't want to dry them out, and my soil never feels soaked when I do the finger test. I just realized now when I'm feeling the soil is cold that is a sign of water in the soil. I also had a problem this time with getting the seedlings to sprout, the first two that didn't i think was because I didn't water enough, the roots dried, the one ended up popping out of the soil only to die a day later. Not to mention I used soil previously that still contains roots from a my last grow, that was my first grow. now I made the mistake of germinating another seed. So now I got two pot they can be used, both pots are definitely have water in them, and most likely have the root rot fungus in it. So I'm guessing I kind of fucked myself possibly here. This new seedling i might as well try the hydrogen peroxide method atleast to prevent the root rot, but my next problem comes with how much water is already in the pot. Ugh atleast I got one going strong still. I'm a mess, I will get the hang out of it eventually.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
I am not sure how close your plant is to needing watered, but it sounds like you are over watering and causing root death. Let the plant dry you, judge this by lifting the pots and comparing it to a wet pot. If it has some good weight to it, it doesn't need watered.

Smaller plants that can't shade their top soil will dry out faster on the top and trick you into watering the plant. A marijuana plant in a pot will not search the topsoil until last, it doesn't really need to be watered.

Roots find the limits of their pot, downward and outward, before they worry about coming to the top. A lot of organic and microbe lovers will tell you to keep the top soil wet, but do it with a sprayer and don't worry about it in your current position. They will shade eventually.

When you do water, get a quart jar and water evenly and slowly over your grow medium. Its best to go slow because it takes a sec to start showing run off. But don't go geriatrics slow. Alternate between your pots to give the one you just watered a sec to run through.

Pots without developed roots will run through a lot faster, those are the ones you need to focus on not over watering. You are at risk of drowning them easy, so tread lightly on them. The dry cycle is good, to a point, it tells the roots to search the rest of the pot for some water and they grow.


Well-Known Member
Mind if we back up a minute and hit the enter button a little while we are typing?

What are you growing with? 16oz of water every 10 days is going to leave you with a starved plant if you ask me. 8oz to a 2.5 seems even less reasonable.

How do you know you have root rot? Are you growing hydro?

You went from over watering to the complete opposite, that probably won't help. Do you want help on proper watering?
Would y
I am not sure how close your plant is to needing watered, but it sounds like you are over watering and causing root death. Let the plant dry you, judge this by lifting the pots and comparing it to a wet pot. If it has some good weight to it, it doesn't need watered.

Smaller plants that can't shade their top soil will dry out faster on the top and trick you into watering the plant. A marijuana plant in a pot will not search the topsoil until last, it doesn't really need to be watered.

Roots find the limits of their pot, downward and outward, before they worry about coming to the top. A lot of organic and microbe lovers will tell you to keep the top soil wet, but do it with a sprayer and don't worry about it in your current position. They will shade eventually.

When you do water, get a quart jar and water evenly and slowly over your grow medium. Its best to go slow because it takes a sec to start showing run off. But don't go geriatrics slow. Alternate between your pots to give the one you just watered a sec to run through.

Pots without developed roots will run through a lot faster, those are the ones you need to focus on not over watering. You are at risk of drowning them easy, so tread lightly on them. The dry cycle is good, to a point, it tells the roots to search the rest of the pot for some water and they grow.
Would you think watering each plant with 8oz of water and waiting 3-4 days be better? What do you think about my current situation with my new seedlings? Do you think hydrogen peroxide would help to treat this fungu
I am not sure how close your plant is to needing watered, but it sounds like you are over watering and causing root death. Let the plant dry you, judge this by lifting the pots and comparing it to a wet pot. If it has some good weight to it, it doesn't need watered.

Smaller plants that can't shade their top soil will dry out faster on the top and trick you into watering the plant. A marijuana plant in a pot will not search the topsoil until last, it doesn't really need to be watered.

Roots find the limits of their pot, downward and outward, before they worry about coming to the top. A lot of organic and microbe lovers will tell you to keep the top soil wet, but do it with a sprayer and don't worry about it in your current position. They will shade eventually.

When you do water, get a quart jar and water evenly and slowly over your grow medium. Its best to go slow because it takes a sec to start showing run off. But don't go geriatrics slow. Alternate between your pots to give the one you just watered a sec to run through.

Pots without developed roots will run through a lot faster, those are the ones you need to focus on not over watering. You are at risk of drowning them easy, so tread lightly on them. The dry cycle is good, to a point, it tells the roots to search the rest of the pot for some water and they grow.
What about my current situation with my seedling thats going to need to be planted soon? Would you say watering a cup and waiting three days be better? If I use a spray bottle to give them water would that help.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Well its a really long story, i had root rot last time growing, I kept that soil last time, and i mixed it with the soil im using now to start . I water consistently because I don't want to dry them out, and my soil never feels soaked when I do the finger test. I just realized now when I'm feeling the soil is cold that is a sign of water in the soil. I also had a problem this time with getting the seedlings to sprout, the first two that didn't i think was because I didn't water enough, the roots dried, the one ended up popping out of the soil only to die a day later. Not to mention I used soil previously that still contains roots from a my last grow, that was my first grow. now I made the mistake of germinating another seed. So now I got two pot they can be used, both pots are definitely have water in them, and most likely have the root rot fungus in it. So I'm guessing I kind of fucked myself possibly here. This new seedling i might as well try the hydrogen peroxide method atleast to prevent the root rot, but my next problem comes with how much water is already in the pot. Ugh atleast I got one going strong still. I'm a mess, I will get the hang out of it eventually.
Yeah never use soil from diseases/dying plants on a new plant. Some soil is alive enough to use again but if a plant died prematurely in it, its probably not at this point. It continues the disease and is not worth the financial savings, its kind of gambling in my opinion.

You lost as soon as your started doubting yourself. Why do you think the most arrogant people hold the highest positions? They don't doubt themselves. Their success is the product of their mind set, not the other way around. Relax, you need to give time to the plant to show you how your decisions affect it. Your worry is causing you to keep working on the plant and not giving it time to respond to the last thing you just did.

If you want to do something with your plants, focus on environement and maintenance. Clean lights and fans, keep them running at full operation and longer. You have to be a squire before you become a knight.

My suggestion: Clean the pots if you just emptied them, with bleach water. Get some fresh potting soil from the store, and start over. Having the wrong mixture for your soil can really fuck up your plants, its best to buy from some one that specializes in soil. Use the watering method I suggested previously. Don't be scared of spending money on your plants, the more short cuts you take the more problems you will have. Saving money isn't worth the risk and loss of yield.

If you kept your plants, let them dry out and use the method of watering I prescribed.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Put your seedling in a pint or quart solo cup with holes for drainage. Start out in a smaller pot so the water doesn't flood to the plant and drown it faster than it can uptake.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Don't focus on exact amounts for watering. All plants are different, they all uptake water at different rates and based on their root size. They will also uptake more and more as the plant grows. In mid bud they will be drinking water like mad. You need to be able to use your discretion and judge when they need water and how much. Watering slow and looking for run off is the way to this.

What are you using for nutrients?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure how close your plant is to needing watered, but it sounds like you are over watering and causing root death. Let the plant dry you, judge this by lifting the pots and comparing it to a wet pot. If it has some good weight to it, it doesn't need watered.

Smaller plants that can't shade their top soil will dry out faster on the top and trick you into watering the plant. A marijuana plant in a pot will not search the topsoil until last, it doesn't really need to be watered.

Roots find the limits of their pot, downward and outward, before they worry about coming to the top. A lot of organic and microbe lovers will tell you to keep the top soil wet, but do it with a sprayer and don't worry about it in your current position. They will shade eventually.

When you do water, get a quart jar and water evenly and slowly over your grow medium. Its best to go slow because it takes a sec to start showing run off. But don't go geriatrics slow. Alternate between your pots to give the one you just watered a sec to run through.

Pots without developed roots will run through a lot faster, those are the ones you need to focus on not over watering. You are at risk of drowning them easy, so tread lightly on them. The dry cycle is good, to a point, it tells the roots to search the rest of the pot for some water and they grow.
Yeah never use soil from diseases/dying plants on a new plant. Some soil is alive enough to use again but if a plant died prematurely in it, its probably not at this point. It continues the disease and is not worth the financial savings, its kind of gambling in my opinion.

You lost as soon as your started doubting yourself. Why do you think the most arrogant people hold the highest positions? They don't doubt themselves. Their success is the product of their mind set, not the other way around. Relax, you need to give time to the plant to show you how your decisions affect it. Your worry is causing you to keep working on the plant and not giving it time to respond to the last thing you just did.

If you want to do something with your plants, focus on environement and maintenance. Clean lights and fans, keep them running at full operation and longer. You have to be a squire before you become a knight.

My suggestion: Clean the pots if you just emptied them, with bleach water. Get some fresh potting soil from the store, and start over. Having the wrong mixture for your soil can really fuck up your plants, its best to buy from some one that specializes in soil. Use the watering method I suggested previously. Don't be scared of spending money on your plants, the more short cuts you take the more problems you will have. Saving money isn't worth the risk and loss of yield.

If you kept your plants, let them dry out and use the method of watering I prescribed.
Believe me, I didnt skimp . The first time I did on a light, it worked, but 1 ounce off 2 plants isn't neccasrrily the best. This time around I bought a $200 60x60x80 mars grow tent, I bought a kingbright 320watt lamp, and i still have my 600 watt kingled (that one is not really 600 watt I think its 120w actual output), last time i had fox farm ocean soil, the most expensive soil I ever used, and had fox farm nutes. I think my new soil im going to try fox farm happy frog instead especially since its not as hot, im going to clean the pots like you said, im going to to water with a cup and let it go for mabe 3-4 days and check, im going to use the mister in order to apply my water, im also going to get the hydrogen peroxide, but only as an emergency, I see how it shouldn't be used if not needed because it can kill good micro organisms. Do you think this is a better plan?


Well-Known Member
Put your seedling in a pint or quart solo cup with holes for drainage. Start out in a smaller pot so the water doesn't flood to the plant and drown it faster than it can uptake.
The problem is I'm growing autos. If I was doing photos I would not have the issue. I never had root rot problems with photos, I always kept them in small plants


Well-Known Member
Don't focus on exact amounts for watering. All plants are different, they all uptake water at different rates and based on their root size. They will also uptake more and more as the plant grows. In mid bud they will be drinking water like mad. You need to be able to use your discretion and judge when they need water and how much. Watering slow and looking for run off is the way to this.

What are you using for nutrients?
What should I do about this current seed that has a small root, i got to plant it, but i don't have any good soil . Would you say to do? Use hydrogen peroxide or buy miracle grow? I won't be able to get fox farm in time.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Ah autos that explains it. The fox farm ocean forest is high nutrient soil it probably was killing them when you added food. I also hear that autos don't like being over watered.

Its your choice to grow autos, but I suggest clones until you can get your grow and rotation established. Once you are stable then delve into autoflowers. Stability is key.

Not trying to hate, but autos are a gamble.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
What should I do about this current seed that has a small root, i got to plant it, but i don't have any good soil . Would you say to do? Use hydrogen peroxide or buy miracle grow? I won't be able to get fox farm in time.
Never buy miracle grow. Ever. My soul hurts when people suggest that I just cringed on the inside.

Flush the medium with peroxide if you feel that is the best route. You are going to want to flush water through after the peroxide water I am thinking. Put at least double the water thru per gallon you have of grow medium. Get the roots out of it also.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Your soil will most likely be void of much nutrients/life after the flush. Your plant may need clone strength feed after it gets established. If you have microbes your can add back to the soil that will help greatly.