My Nodes Are Too Close Together!


Active Member
My 3 plants are all about a month old. the 4th nodes are growing in very close to the branches below them. the plants dont seem to be growing very tall but the fan leaves are growing very large. i have 4 CFLs equalling 80 watts, soon to be upgraded to 108 watts. i dont have a ph tester so ive just been letting tap water sit out before watering and hoping for the best. i can upload pics but does anyone have an idea why this is happening?

also, im using miracle grow potting mix (i know i know, you dont gotta tell me)
and i havent fed them anything yet. i have a fan small fan that i keep on all the time that blows the air up.
im thinking its a zinc deficiency and its getting locked out by hi pH. is there something household i could use to lower my pH until i can order some uppers and downers?
nothing wrong with tight nodes m8, and in fact, this is exactly what you want.. tall, stretchy plants usually indicate not enough light.. tight, shortly spaced nodes means a happy, healthy plant... :)
and don't worry, once you switch over to flower, they will stretch like no ones business, which is why you want tight node spacing to begin with.. :)
i see your points, but i forgot to mention that the leaves are remarkably smaller than the others when they were the same age. also the set that came in before are all winkled and distorted. they are a bit small as well
I had that problem with some white skunk, after I nute burned them then stopped feeding. Once the feeding program is on target, you should get some bigger leaves and more ideal node spacings.
I had that problem with some white skunk, after I nute burned them then stopped feeding. Once the feeding program is on target, you should get some bigger leaves and more ideal node spacings.

the problem is that im using miracle grow soil and am weary about adding fertz just yet. and transplanting isnt an option right now. damn miracle grow, never again
the problem is that im using miracle grow soil and am weary about adding fertz just yet. and transplanting isnt an option right now. damn miracle grow, never again

yah, don't add any nutes for awhile, you've got that part right m8.. mg isn't that bad, it gets a worse rap then it really should imo.. the leaf size and crinkle could both be genetics, but maybe not too, lol..
just keep an eye on them, and if things get worse, start another thread and ask for some help / tips from there.. :)
i see your points, but i forgot to mention that the leaves are remarkably smaller than the others when they were the same age. also the set that came in before are all winkled and distorted. they are a bit small as well

classic sound of a spider mite infestation.

  • Spider mites are by far the worst pest to have, because they are the hardest to kill and can literally kill any plant. They are by far more active in warmer climates than cold ones, they also suck sup from the leaves leaving tiny white spots on the leaves from where they suck on. The damage they do is just like thrips, but with spider mites they pierce the surface of the leaves and can show tiny holes or white speckling damage, unlike with thirps they eat the surface of the chlorophyll. You can tell when you have infestation of spider mites , because you will have distorted growth, shortened internodes and petioles.​

If there is an actual problem it could be many thing based on the description, we need pictures to be honest. Post them and more people will be able to weigh in with more educated hypothesizes
I know it's an old thread, but my nodes on a "supposed" Gorilla Glue are so close the leaves don't have anywhere to go so it's growing like lettuce. I should have taken before I defoliated pics, but I'll put up some after defoliation in a few hours when the lights come back on.
I know it's an old thread, but my nodes on a "supposed" Gorilla Glue are so close the leaves don't have anywhere to go so it's growing like lettuce. I should have taken before I defoliated pics, but I'll put up some after defoliation in a few hours when the lights come back on.
Im Having the same Problem with my gorilla glue would really like to hear how you plant is going now?
Mine is so compact that the leaves are warping against each other and fighting for the light.