Fan leaves died

Did you cut off multiple levels of growth? I count what looks like 6 growth nodes that were stripped along the main growth stem. Doing too much removal of the plant at once, especially at a young age is a major stress and hindrance to the plant's overall growth. Likely why your having issues now.

Also, looks like your pot is only half full of dirt. The entire pla t is below the lip of the pot. You need to allow the plant to grow up to at least the rim of the pot, otherwise your not going to get proper light distribution as the plant starts to fill in.

Also also, they NAME the lights "the mega cool blurple light 1000w" then say its a 1000w equivalent that only actually pulls about 85w from the wall. The cheap no name manufacturers intentionally name their products in this way to mislead people into buying lights that they THINK they are getting a good deal on. Just FYI
What they do is put a bunch of leds in a panel and say they are 10w each x 100 diodes= 1000w which as BM says is bullshit when it pulls 85w from the wall. Actual output is even less...
Appreciate it bro . I will definitely take out the staples . And you think I should move the light closer to them . I had moved it back since the leaves started to curl slightly or is that ok ? They’re actually pretty tall without the staples it’s just those bottom layers with no stems and shit looks fucked
Keep the light over them an elbow high; about the length from your elbow to your hand; 12” to 18”... They are tall now because you didn’t top them. You can just add more soil on top to help them stand up. That will lessen your available vertical space but it what it is. You are probably going to need to tie them to a stick or something for support later in down the road when the buds are forming.
What they do is put a bunch of leds in a panel and say they are 10w each x 100 diodes= 1000w which as BM says is bullshit when it pulls 85w from the wall. Actual output is even less...

Keep the light over them an elbow high; about the length from your elbow to your hand; 12” to 18”... They are tall now because you didn’t top them. You can just add more soil on top to help them stand up. That will lessen your available vertical space but it what it is. You are probably going to need to tie them to a stick or something for support later in down the road when the buds are forming.
So do you think it’s to late for me to top them now ?