Germinating Seeds


I’m having issues with germination the seeds into strong seedlings... I’ve tried root riots and also tried dropping them in soil after soaking. Any other suggestions or methods?


Well-Known Member
I go straight to soil. No soaking, paper towels, no dome, no additives. Put seed in soil and water it in. 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999% success rate. It's that simple.

But if you have non viable seeds they won't germinate. Where are you getting your seeds? How old are they? How were they stored?



I use to have the same issue... Theres a few things id consider i dont know it all man just here to try and help
1. The quality of the water you set the seed into that you want to germinate needs to be RO or distilled for a higher germination rate. Sometimes the water is too hard (EC) so the seeds pops but the chems/minerals in the water slow it down or completely stop it. Not saying tap water NEVER works but its something to consider.
2.The temperature of the water and the humidity... If you want to be able to see and not have to dig into soil to check the root, do the paper towel method and just come back to it every 10 or so hours and add a little warm water and wait until the root is about 1/2 inch long than plant with soil that has already been watered at the spot. Keeping the light closer no less than 18 inches from container helps keep the soil nice and warm for the seedling. Dont let the soil dry out btw.


Also try getting some starting soil very light soil has no perlite or anything and put alittle in the center and put the germinated seed. The seed will have to work less to pop its head out makeing it easier to take off even if it was struggling a bit. You can find the starter soil almost anywhere


Well-Known Member
Even though your thread title says germinating're asking advice on how to make strong seedlings.
Are your seeds germinating and starting to grow? Or are they not sprouting at all?
What light are you putting them under once they sprout?


What soil are you using? You might be overwatering.. When they are seedlings they only need a small amount of water every 12 hours or so


Well-Known Member
I germ every seed I start direct in moistened medium...Bio Bizz Light solo cups....on 80 deg heat mat...under T5H0 24/7. Found that those cups need nothing for days. Starting seeds is as much about patience as waiting on the last few days of harvest. Ya just gotta go smoke a joint or something and leave those prospective wannabe plants alone and you just may grow some weed.


Well-Known Member
1. lightly scuff the tip of the seed with amery board
2. soak the seed in 3% hydrogen peroxide overnight
3. drain the hydrogen peroxide then soak in distilled/ro water for 24 hrs
4. at this time you will have 100% germination of about a 1/4 root tip, plant in your favorite medium

even sketchy seeds will be forced to germinate with this method
I've been getting 100% germination even with 2018 seeds


Well-Known Member
1. lightly scuff the tip of the seed with amery board
2. soak the seed in 3% hydrogen peroxide overnight
3. drain the hydrogen peroxide then soak in distilled/ro water for 24 hrs
4. at this time you will have 100% germination of about a 1/4 root tip, plant in your favorite medium

even sketchy seeds will be forced to germinate with this method
I've been getting 100% germination even with 2018 seeds
I've been looking into this method... do you think it is worth using peroxide for germination even in newly received seeds? I got them from a seed bank though, I'm not sure how old they might be but still. I was planning to do this for seeds that seem dead after some time trying the usual germination methods with plain water, towel, etc.

I've read some people saying that although they managed to get the seeds to sprout using peroxide, some of them never made it through the rockwool after planting.


Well-Known Member
Guess I find myself shaking my head at how some can believe that cannabis seeds are so mysterious take all this chanting...and wtf came up with peroxide and shit...
Then I remember, some of us had agriculture in school...may have been mid 60's but I think it still applies today. Natures way developed this mysterious plant without anything but moisture, warmth and light. Mimic-ing nature to start works best with's all that other shit that gives newbies fits. Sometimes ya just gotta smoke a doob and chill. All seeds are simply plant and go....
My oldest seed to be popped this way was 9 years old...all my stock ranges from 9 yrs old to now cause it seems my hobby is collecting along with growing.


Well-Known Member
I soak all my seeds in a hydrogen peroxide solution for 12 hours. I use 30 ml of the 3% h2o2 per 500 ml of water. Hydrogen peroxide is a well studied, proven method of increasing germ rates across a huge range of seeds. Think of how often a cannabis seed has probably been handled, each time collecting more pathogenic bacteria and fungus from people's hands. Be sure you don't add to the problem, especially once you soak them in it. It also chemically scarifies the seed coat, so you don't need to scuff the seed or anything. I think most germination problems stem from people not keeping the root zone warm enough (or they use a heat mat without watching temps and cook the seedlings) or they keep them too wet. Don't use a dome. If you are having problems with damping off, get some Southern Ag Biological Fungicide and spray the seedlings with it once or twice. Here is some good basic germination advice I use root riot cubes and get 100% germination.


Well-Known Member
Guess I find myself shaking my head at how some can believe that cannabis seeds are so mysterious take all this chanting...and wtf came up with peroxide and shit...
Then I remember, some of us had agriculture in school...may have been mid 60's but I think it still applies today. Natures way developed this mysterious plant without anything but moisture, warmth and light. Mimic-ing nature to start works best with's all that other shit that gives newbies fits. Sometimes ya just gotta smoke a doob and chill. All seeds are simply plant and go....
My oldest seed to be popped this way was 9 years old...all my stock ranges from 9 yrs old to now cause it seems my hobby is collecting along with growing.
It's all about how well the seeds are kept in my opinion... There are seeds that germinated, found in ancient Egyptian tombs sealed shut thousands of years ago. But just try keeping a seed a few years in the open and let's see if it will germinate. It might, but it probably won't. Now we don't know how well and how long the seeds we paid money for are stored by the seedbanks, so just not trying to take any risks by looking into newer methods.

How do you store your seeds?