Germinating Seeds


Well-Known Member
I soak all my seeds in a hydrogen peroxide solution for 12 hours. I use 30 ml of the 3% h2o2 per 500 ml of water. Hydrogen peroxide is a well studied, proven method of increasing germ rates across a huge range of seeds. Think of how often a cannabis seed has probably been handled, each time collecting more pathogenic bacteria and fungus from people's hands. Be sure you don't add to the problem, especially once you soak them in it. It also chemically scarifies the seed coat, so you don't need to scuff the seed or anything. I think most germination problems stem from people not keeping the root zone warm enough (or they use a heat mat without watching temps and cook the seedlings) or they keep them too wet. Don't use a dome. If you are having problems with damping off, get some Southern Ag Biological Fungicide and spray the seedlings with it once or twice. Here is some good basic germination advice I use root riot cubes and get 100% germination.
Considering the above user I quoted says he soaks the seeds directly in 3%, your solution of 0.18% doesn't sound so scary... I think I'll give that a try. Do you use a similar solution after you plant them in cubes or just plain water from there on? I found this site that recommends using h2o2 during rockwool period as well in case of damping:

I've read through the link you shared, thanks. Not using a dome after planting in rockwool is something I've never heard before, everyone recommends using a dome... The fungus possibility makes sense though. I was planning to use a dome but leave the ventilation open from the beginning and eventually remove the lid totally. Now I'm not sure even about this... :) The more you read about stuff, the more complicated things start to get. It was so simple back when I used to plant the seeds directly in soil and watch them grow :D


Well-Known Member
I’m having issues with germination the seeds into strong seedlings... I’ve tried root riots and also tried dropping them in soil after soaking. Any other suggestions or methods?
I usually the paper towel method for a few days then directly to soil no dome or anything. 99.9% success rate


Well-Known Member
It's all about how well the seeds are kept in my opinion... There are seeds that germinated, found in ancient Egyptian tombs sealed shut thousands of years ago. But just try keeping a seed a few years in the open and let's see if it will germinate. It might, but it probably won't. Now we don't know how well and how long the seeds we paid money for are stored by the seedbanks, so just not trying to take any risks by looking into newer methods.

How do you store your seeds?
Meat keeper in refrig. Straight from storage to medium. Being in the seed business long ago, I know most seeds of all species will have a 'shelf' life cause there ain't no johnny appleseed covering up all the seeds that pop at every seed bearing tree........I never tried killing a seed by air drying but I'm sure it would happen if ya tried. I recently germed 3- 9 yr old seeds with 2 popping. All just kept in frig.

Homegrown Hero

Well-Known Member
My method: soak beans in a glass of water. They will float at first, after a day you can tap them and they’ll sink to the bottom of the glass. After they’ve sunk, it should be about 12-24 hours before they produce a tap root. Plant with the root facing down. The other thing, you need to plant the seedling in aerated soil. Mix 40-50% perlite into your pots. After the seedlings start growing, wait a week and apply a very light grow feed (50% of recommended feeding).


Well-Known Member
Meat keeper in refrig. Straight from storage to medium. Being in the seed business long ago, I know most seeds of all species will have a 'shelf' life cause there ain't no johnny appleseed covering up all the seeds that pop at every seed bearing tree........I never tried killing a seed by air drying but I'm sure it would happen if ya tried. I recently germed 3- 9 yr old seeds with 2 popping. All just kept in frig.
In a lightproof container I suppose? Do you throw in some silica bags as well? I don't really see the point though, but I've seen it getting recommended, maybe to get rid of the initial humidity you might be closing the container with... and they usually throw the seeds in the container with tiny ziplocks anyway.


Well-Known Member
lots of good advice here. i had one strain do a lot where it would pop and start growing and then die after 2 or 3 weeks. so you may try different strains if you haven't already. I forgot to try adding a little weak solution fish fertilizer after a couple of weeks to that one which can help if they look bad but I agree with that. But your problem is probably overwatering. i would somewhat disagree with planting tap root down. i like plant root up and it curls around and then and helps remove the seed hull. takes a little longer to come up but it's stronger. learn what your medium looks like wet, dry and almost dry.


Well-Known Member
In a lightproof container I suppose? Do you throw in some silica bags as well? I don't really see the point though, but I've seen it getting recommended, maybe to get rid of the initial humidity you might be closing the container with... and they usually throw the seeds in the container with tiny ziplocks anyway.
Good point but I've never done more than place seeds in their original container, in a plain storage container with a lid, in the drawer with me beer so I KNOW it's cold....

Jimbo the Gael

Well-Known Member
If you want to use distilled/ro water go ahead, it won't hurt. But I've never used them and I don't have problems germing seeds. I used to use the paper towel method, and after the first time I started rinsing them in H2O2 as a blue fungus started on the shell of the seed and grew into the paper towel. Luckily I got the seedling away from it before it could reach the tap root.
Now I just scrape the shell of the seeds and put them straight into peat pods. No need to go digging to check the root, it'll grow just fine whether you know it's there or not.

Stone Age

I've had 100% germination rate until now, with multiple strains from multiple breeders. I bought 5 Fastbuds Green Crack seeds recently, and the first two failed to crack after 3 days in water. The third one is about 24 hours in right now, with no signs of life. I think I'm going to try scuffing it.

Am I supposed to scuff just the tip (the pointy end)?

Jimbo the Gael

Well-Known Member
I scrape the sides, gently, with a knife or razor blade. Just so a little powder comes off. Some people recommend a matchbox with a strip of sandpaper inside, and shaking the box. Just google "cannabis scarification".


Well-Known Member
I've had 100% germination rate until now, with multiple strains from multiple breeders. I bought 5 Fastbuds Green Crack seeds recently, and the first two failed to crack after 3 days in water. The third one is about 24 hours in right now, with no signs of life. I think I'm going to try scuffing it.

Am I supposed to scuff just the tip (the pointy end)?
They don't meant to germinate underwater, put them in soil after 12-24 hours.

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
I just soak in spring water for 24 hrs and put into damp paper towel on a plate. I put that plate in seedling station on a seedling mat to keep temps up with a dome to keep the moisture in. After a day you should have a good tap root and put into medium. Seems to work every time. Remove the dome when the plant sprouts.

There are many methods, I don't use peroxide or physically damage the seeds, I just have no need for such things. That said the best way is the one that works for you and all the methods mentioned above seem to work for those posting. Dealers choice.

Edit: I put the seeds with the tap root into a Coco Coir plug from paper towel.

Stone Age

They don't meant to germinate underwater, put them in soil after 12-24 hours.
This is the way I've always done it; I like to see that the seed has cracked, so I'm not wondering for several days whether it's going to germinate.. I put them in Rapid Rooters as soon as the root starts to emerge.

I'll try that with this one though; obviously, what I've been doing isn't working with this latest batch of seeds.


Well-Known Member
This is the way I've always done it; I like to see that the seed has cracked, so I'm not wondering for several days whether it's going to germinate.. I put them in Rapid Rooters as soon as the root starts to emerge.

I'll try that with this one though; obviously, what I've been doing isn't working with this latest batch of seeds.
I don't get a taproot after 12 - 24hours, possibly the seed opens I can see touch of white but any longer the seed will die if left submerged.

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
1.Soak in distilled water for 10-15 minutes
2.Soak your soil with distilled water and fluff soil after 10-15 minutes
3.Put seed on soil
4.Grab pinch of dry soil put over seed and spray with water

2-3 days later



Well-Known Member
Stuns me at times to see how many ways some can complicate such a simple process.
Imagine if you will....a world where everything grown from seed has to be pampered and coddled into bearing some substance for us to marvel on.
That just doesn't happen except for those who've been led to believe it's rocket science to pop a seed. Cannabis is a weed and will grow like a weed. All this soaking, scuffing, with or without virility chants does nothing but damage natures protection of a sought for fruit. May help but mostly adds an unnecessary step.....Some just think they have to add that special touch....
Yeah, my advantage is raised in a farming community, running a seed (legal) business for years and germing my special fruits by the simplest method known....plant the seed in the right conditions and smoke a doob.