
^^^I'm going to write this down in hand writing so I dont fuck it up.
He's fucking with you. And autos arnt the most potent if you were to get a northern light auto and a northern lights photoperiod the photoperiod will be more potent they always are more potent then their auto counter parts. Plus you can get more yield from photos and if something screws up with an auto you can't fix it as easy since the plant flowers on its own so if you mess up you don't have as much time to fix it.
The first one isnt ready but you could top the one on the right for sure. You see those two bottom feeder leaves? Cut them just above that, you'll get 12-20 new tops. Give them a week to recover and you should be ready to flush.
Oh hells yeah. The pack from the non shady online seed bank said flowers in 6 weeks and I'm a couple weeks ahead! From this I gather that advertised flower times are very accurate.