NFT + Ebb & Flow combination possible against root rot?


Active Member
Hello friends,
I fight with root rot for some time now, my water temp is too high and I can't use a water chiller.

I run a NFT System which used to work great but since I somehow got root rot from sick clones every grow failes.
I transplanted half of the crop to soil and they are doing great.
My water temp is very high at 25C. Is that to high? I tried hydroguard and trichoderma, Physan20 and H2O2. I still get it.
Are my water temps just too high so all the Fungizides etc. dont work?
I dont use bennies or sterilizing products at the same time of course.

So since I read about this guy saying running an NFT more like an Ebb & Flow System with clay pebbles inside the tubes (or rockwool) would work better with high temps I wanted to know if that would really work.

Would I still get root rot?

Room temps are about 27C.
calcium hypochlorite. safe up to 5ppm for plants and humans. also known as pool shock. for swimming pools
The development of root rot can have many causes.
Temperature is just a trigger for some types of rot.
What I would advise you in any case is to clean your system very well after a run.
And not with a sponge and some soap, but with materials that are used in professional agriculture.
southern ag garden friendly fungicide
Thats just bacillus Amyloliquefaciens am I right? I just received my Southern AG alternative product so I am going to try that. I made a EWC tea from a great Myco/Tricho powder. It has a lot of Trichoderma and bacillus subtilis and other great stuff. Heisenberg said that Trichoderma are the real root rot killer. Bad thing about my tea is that it always gets stuck on the roots making the problem worse. Basically suffocating the roots.
Thats just bacillus Amyloliquefaciens am I right? I just received my Southern AG alternative product so I am going to try that. I made a EWC tea from a great Myco/Tricho powder. It has a lot of Trichoderma and bacillus subtilis and other great stuff. Heisenberg said that Trichoderma are the real root rot killer. Bad thing about my tea is that it always gets stuck on the roots making the problem worse. Basically suffocating the roots.
yes, same strain. i just add 1mL of it in each bucket. i don't make teas. teas sound like too much work and mess.