What has Trump done to this country?

Let's see, in the past couple of days we've seen Donald's Taxes, with much analysis and dot connecting to be done on that little gem. Someone hacked and I assume posted Trump's entire voter database that I'm sure Joe will find useful, or at least the Lincoln project will. Imagine how useful a list of Trump's most ardent supporters will be to the FBI and perhaps others in coming years and as tool to use against terrorism, ya might as well have the KKK membership list. :D

Did they post a link to the data? Someone will, where is wikileaks when ya need em! Maybe someone should form Donald leaks as a repository for his various documents
Trumps campaign is using the RBG replacement to take attention away from his failure on Covid response. Its like there have been so many scandals we are being desensitized to it all. I think they really have him by the balls now with his tax returns and new 2016 campaign revelations, Biden better not fuck anything up between now and election day.
Trumps campaign is using the RBG replacement to take attention away from his failure on Covid response. Its like there have been so many scandals we are being desensitized to it all. I think they really have him by the balls now with his tax returns and new 2016 campaign revelations, Biden better not fuck anything up between now and election day.
Biden won't debate him, he will prosecute him, Donald will get all wound up, then Joe will speak of his plans and Donald will continue to attack frothing at the mouth. Joe needs to get him to say stupid shit like no peaceful transfer of power, call him stupid to his face.
Biden won't debate him, he will prosecute him, Donald will get all wound up, then Joe will speak of his plans and Donald will continue to attack frothing at the mouth. Joe needs to get him to say stupid shit like no peaceful transfer of power, call him stupid to his face.
Nah, Biden is no Kamala Harris. He is not the nominee for that, he needs to win in the eyes of every state, not just ownTrump.

He needs to win the senators/house members seats too to get his agenda through. Trump will take himself down, Biden just needs to play catch with the moderator and not go for the home run. There is still a lot of time on the clock.
Nah, Biden is no Kamala Harris. He is not the nominee for that, he needs to win in the eyes of every state, not just ownTrump.

He needs to win the senators/house members seats too to get his agenda through. Trump will take himself down, Biden just needs to play catch with the moderator and not go for the home run. There is still a lot of time on the clock.
I expect Donald will do himself as always, I'm suggesting Joe hand him the shovel and stand back. Puncture that big ego and make Donald defend it, meanwhile after the initial attack, Joe goes back to the plan to get America out of the mess Donald created.

Donald is very reactive and will do or say anything to get his ego through the moment, I'm sure Joe's team (including shrinks) have got Donald all figured out, he's pretty stupid and has a limited repertoire of responses, all of them personal attacks. Joe has done his homework, Donald as usual has not, the difference is, many observant people have studied Donald, he has a great many weaknesses.
Nah, Biden is no Kamala Harris. He is not the nominee for that, he needs to win in the eyes of every state, not just ownTrump.

He needs to win the senators/house members seats too to get his agenda through. Trump will take himself down, Biden just needs to play catch with the moderator and not go for the home run. There is still a lot of time on the clock.
Many wise people have been preparing and planning, waiting for this moment, the critical moment of the battle, you are seeing the fruits of that wisdom and patience now.
Trumps campaign is using the RBG replacement to take attention away from his failure on Covid response. Its like there have been so many scandals we are being desensitized to it all. I think they really have him by the balls now with his tax returns and new 2016 campaign revelations, Biden better not fuck anything up between now and election day.
It's part of his Modus Operandi to flood the news cycle with too many scandals to keep up with. So, we get used to it. It ain't rocket science! It's merely observation of human behavior. So simple, even a caveman could do it...and he has.
Biden won't debate him, he will prosecute him, Donald will get all wound up, then Joe will speak of his plans and Donald will continue to attack frothing at the mouth. Joe needs to get him to say stupid shit like no peaceful transfer of power, call him stupid to his face.
The objective isn’t to win the debate but to win votes.
Maybe if things get bad enough in the last week, Donald will shut the internet Down in America and order the FCC to take TV and radio stations off the air as part of a national emergency. The republicans won't say a word and the base is too stupid to care.
It's part of his Modus Operandi to flood the news cycle with too many scandals to keep up with. So, we get used to it. It ain't rocket science! It's merely observation of human behavior. So simple, even a caveman could do it...and he has.
1, 2, 5 & 8 happening on the same day as 3 is proof you are correct.
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Donald Trump apologizes for graphic comments about women in hot mic recording from 2005

The Washington Post on Friday released audio of an extremely vulgar conversation Donald Trump had in 2005 with former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush. "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women] — I just start kissing them," Trump says while he and Bush ogle a nearby woman. "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab them by the p---y." Trump initially issued a statement dismissing the conversation as "locker room banter," adding, "Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course." But as furor over the comments grew, he released an apology video just after midnight on Saturday, saying, "Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize." He also argued Hillary Clinton's record in office is a more serious offense than his crude remarks and pledged "to be a better man tomorrow." [The New York Times, The Week]

GOP heavyweights denounce Trump's remarks about women

The graphic remarks Donald Trump made about women in 2005 have thrown the GOP into tumult, with multiple big-name Republicans denouncing Trump's comments, retracting their endorsements, or even calling on him to step out of the presidential race. House Speaker Paul Ryan called Trump's words "sickening" and uninvited the candidate from a scheduled joint event, while Trump's running mate, Mike Pence, is reportedly "beside himself." Trump faced particular backlash from Utah Republicans: Utah Sen. Mike Lee told Trump to drop out, while Utah Gov. Gary Herbert and Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz took back their endorsements. Nevertheless, the Republican National Committee denied a report that party leadership is meeting "to discuss what options the party has going forward in case Trump isn't the nominee." [The Hill, Politico]

U.S. government accuses Russia of hacking election system

The Obama administration on Friday formally accused the Russian government of attempting to "interfere with the U.S. election process" via a series of cyber attacks, including hacking the Democratic National Committee. "We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," read a joint statement from the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The statement further blamed Vladimir Putin's government for leaking the stolen information to sites such as WikiLeaks and DCLeaks. U.S. intelligence officials for weeks have unofficially pointed fingers at the Kremlin, but this statement marks the first public accusation. [NBC News, The Washington Post]

Hurricane Matthew downgraded to Category 1 after killing nearly 900 in Haiti

Hurricane Matthew was downgraded to a Category 1 storm Saturday as it headed toward the Carolinas, though flooding, winds up to 85 mph, and storm surges up to 9 feet are expected. "I just want to emphasize to everybody that this is still a really dangerous hurricane, that the potential for storm surge, loss of life, and severe property damage exists," President Obama said Friday as the storm weakened. Before making landfall in the United States, Matthew wreaked havoc in Haiti, where the death toll has nearly reached 900 with tens of thousands more Haitians displaced or made homeless by the storm's devastation. [Reuters, USA Today]

Leaked Wall Street speeches see Clinton worry about email security

Transcripts of closed-door speeches Hillary Clinton gave to Wall Street bankers were published by WikiLeaks Friday as attachments to leaked emails from Clinton campaign staff, sharing with the public content the Democratic nominee refused to release herself. In comments at a 2013 conference sponsored by Goldman Sachs, Clinton expressed concern about digital security threats, particularly from China and Russia. Clinton described disabling her devices while traveling abroad to avoid hacking, but FBI Director James Comey has since said she did no such thing. The documents also see campaign staff discussing how to deal with off-message speech excerpts — "policy positions that we should give an extra scrub" — to avoid bad press. [Associated Press, Politico]

Evangelical campus organization asks employees to resign over gay marriage position

InterVarsity, one of the largest evangelical Christian organizations on American college campuses nationwide, has asked employees who do not share its official view on same-sex marriage to disclose their conflict and resign. The policy was first reported by Time on Thursday and rapidly fueled culture war flames, with critics leveling charges of bigotry on Friday as the story spread. InterVarsity said in a statement its policy does not concern the legality of gay marriage, only employees' theological perspective; and the ministry's vice president, Greg Jao, said InterVarsity does not actively question employees on their view but simply asks them to come forward if they do not share the organization's stance. [Time, Christianity Today]
Maybe if things get bad enough in the last week, Donald will shut the internet Down in America and order the FCC to take TV and radio stations off the air as part of a national emergency. The republicans won't say a word and the base is too stupid to care.

this is exactly what i'm afraid of and worse.
Im starting to think Mitch is wanting to get the SCOTUS pick in before the election that way they can impeach him the next day. The Republicans would at that point have gotten everything they will ever get from Trump and may as well amputate.

I'm too optimistic.

they already announced day of vote 10/21 (or 23) i can't remember:lol:
Michael Cohen: Trump Tax Returns Show He Could Be 'Facing A Potential Bankruptcy' | Katy Tur | MSNBC

Michael Cohen, President Trump's former lawyer, called in to discuss the implications of the president's newly reported tax returns. He said the president could be "facing a potential bankruptcy" but that he would find "some corrupt foreign entity" to bail him out.
In his book “Disloyal,” which was published earlier this month, Cohen said Trump “almost certainly illegally evaded” income taxes. Cohen also recounted a scene where the pair were in Trump’s Manhattan office tower and the future president showed off a $10 million tax refund check he received from the IRS. “Can you believe how fucking stupid the IRS is?” Trump said, according to Cohen, adding, “Who would give me a refund of 10 fucking million dollars?”

Cohen told Yahoo News that moment made him certain Trump had engaged in illegal conduct with respect to his taxes. “To me, it didn’t make any sense,” Cohen said of the refund. “There’s no doubt that he had to have committed some sort of a fraud.”

Cohen, whose book accuses Trump of habitually engaging in unethical business practices at his real estate company, also said tax fraud would fit the president’s modus operandi. “Nothing that goes on at the Trump Organization is done straight up. There’s always some form of a shady angle,” said Cohen.
