45's tax returns

I wonder what would happen if Donald jumped on a plane on the 20th and flew off to Russia, perhaps before anybody could stop him. Perhaps someone has indictments ready to go that might prevent this though. Donald might also run to Russia on AF-1 after Nov 3rd, provided Vlad will have him, though Vlad might have a price for sanctuary, Donald is desperate and even the promise of sanctuary might buy a lot for Russia. It's his only way out, to avoid prison and humiliation, run to Vlad claiming a deep state coup while calling on his base to rise up and take the country by force.

Pardons won't work, expert legal opinion has it the SCOTUS will reject a corrupt pardon, Donald has never pardoned anybody who could be a future witness against him.
I wonder what would happen if Donald jumped on a plane on the 20th and flew off to Russia, perhaps before anybody could stop him. Perhaps someone has indictments ready to go that might prevent this though. Donald might also run to Russia on AF-1 after Nov 3rd, provided Vlad will have him, though Vlad might have a price for sanctuary, Donald is desperate and even the promise of sanctuary might buy a lot for Russia. It's his only way out, to avoid prison and humiliation, run to Vlad claiming a deep state coup while calling on his base to rise up and take the country by force.

Pardons won't work, expert legal opinion has it the SCOTUS will reject a corrupt pardon, Donald has never pardoned anybody who could be a future witness against him.
I think if he ran, everything would continue exactly like it is now. Biden would walk away with the election interference free. And he would be confirmed in Jan. 2021 and Trump (and whoever left with him) would become Julian Assange/Edward Snowden's bunk-mates until he got extradited back to America or dies.

I am not sure if the Republicans would wet noodle their way into impeaching him at that point or not. But nothing would really change.
Bankruptcy got a lot harder since the last time Donald pulled it off, the republicans changed the law awhile back. It's all moot, Donald is going to prison and his assets will be confiscated by the government or creditors. He might have some family trusts set up as insurance, but there is not much use for money in a supermax. Donald moved to Florida because of the protection the law allows for property from lawsuits, OJ moved there too. Also family trusts are involatile and can't be touched, though 30% of the income from them might be garnished.

don't you worry, Trumpy* will find comfort in the 'Little Debbie' line of pastries which he's going to need money for commissary.

i believe he will leave the country though..Jeffrey was snagged; Ghislaine too..he has a plane and will use it..maybe Canada? Melania really took a liking to Justin.
I wonder what would happen if Donald jumped on a plane on the 20th and flew off to Russia, perhaps before anybody could stop him. Perhaps someone has indictments ready to go that might prevent this though. Donald might also run to Russia on AF-1 after Nov 3rd, provided Vlad will have him, though Vlad might have a price for sanctuary, Donald is desperate and even the promise of sanctuary might buy a lot for Russia. It's his only way out, to avoid prison and humiliation, run to Vlad claiming a deep state coup while calling on his base to rise up and take the country by force.

Pardons won't work, expert legal opinion has it the SCOTUS will reject a corrupt pardon, Donald has never pardoned anybody who could be a future witness against him.

i believe he will do something like this while he still can.
Mind tossing me a links if this is not what you are talking about, or any actual reason why you are bringing it up too maybe?
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That's the one.
Well I read what Rob wrote about the gold standard and looked at what we are using without it currently and figured issuance was a good starting point.

Both sides seem mad that the other prints for their purpose, welfare, war ect. and it strikes me peculiar that the notes were issued for no other purpose than making advances to banks through agents. I have a few in my wallet, so am I a bank or an agent?

It seems posession (9/10 of law) would legally bind us individually to liabilities of the system was what glared out at me, but theres quite a lot there, including redemption an some lawful money alternative. Wonder why that's preserved and updated in the Statutes at Large after 107 years?
Well Dumf asked that Biden be checked for listening devices in his ear and Biden asked for breaks every 30 mins. This debate is comic gold already!
That's the one.
Well I read what Rob wrote about the gold standard and looked at what we are using without it currently and figured issuance was a good starting point.

Both sides seem mad that the other prints for their purpose, welfare, war ect. and it strikes me peculiar that the notes were issued for no other purpose than making advances to banks through agents. I have a few in my wallet, so am I a bank or an agent?

It seems posession (9/10 of law) would legally bind us individually to liabilities of the system was what glared out at me, but theres quite a lot there, including redemption an some lawful money alternative. Wonder why that's preserved and updated in the Statutes at Large after 107 years?
Did this post make sense to anybody?
That's the one.

Well I read what Rob wrote about the gold standard and looked at what we are using without it currently and figured issuance was a good starting point.
Nice, thank you, I think that is why I got confused, I get in the habit of trying to not let his random noise stick in my brain. He does through out some good ones from time to time, but generally it falls into the chasing propaganda with him. I see enough 'key words' like gold, illuminati, contrails, etc and trained myself to immediately move on.

Both sides seem mad that the other prints for their purpose, welfare, war ect. and it strikes me peculiar that the notes were issued for no other purpose than making advances to banks through agents. I have a few in my wallet, so am I a bank or an agent?

It seems this would legally bind us individually to liabilities of the system was what glared out at me, but theres quite a lot there, including redemption an some lawful money alternative. Wonder why that's preserved and updated in the Statutes at Large after 107 years?

Im not sure which sides you are talking about, but how I look at the federal reserve system (and why the world trusts us enough to be the main currency) is that the way we set it up was to not give any one interest too much power over the others. It is a lot like our constitution. It was set up this way as a response to the cyclical recessions (every 2-4 years) that the wealthiest in the country could cause by doing things like staging a bank robbery in a bank that they knew couldn't meet their customer's demands without it and swoop in and buy everything up.

The people forced the government into finally having to actually stop it, but the banks still were in control over the entire economies assets not owned by the people who deposited their money into those banks.

So the Federal reserve is a quasi governmental system, The POTUS nominates the people who run it, but they serve long terms so no president can have too much sway, and that board is then independent of the WH.

In the definition, if you have cash you are the holder of the notes. If you have your money in a bank account, that bank can use those notes and lend up to 90% (assuming the percent they have to hold hasn't changed). of that amount in order for both you and the bank to earn interest on it. This interest also pays into the Federal Reserve Banking System to have things like FDIC insurance, almost always the government even gets a huge 'bonus' deposit back into the coffers because the Fed operates efficiently and has money left over that they donate.

Nice, thank you, I think that is why I got confused, I get in the habit of trying to not let his random noise stick in my brain. He does through out some good ones from time to time, but generally it falls into the chasing propaganda with him. I see enough 'key words' like gold, illuminati, contrails, etc and trained myself to immediately move on.

Im not sure which sides you are talking about, but how I look at the federal reserve system (and why the world trusts us enough to be the main currency) is that the way we set it up was to not give any one interest too much power over the others. It is a lot like our constitution. It was set up this way as a response to the cyclical recessions (every 2-4 years) that the wealthiest in the country could cause by doing things like staging a bank robbery in a bank that they knew couldn't meet their customer's demands without it and swoop in and buy everything up.

The people forced the government into finally having to actually stop it, but the banks still were in control over the entire economies assets not owned by the people who deposited their money into those banks.

So the Federal reserve is a quasi governmental system, The POTUS nominates the people who run it, but they serve long terms so no president can have too much sway, and that board is then independent of the WH.

In the definition, if you have cash you are the holder of the notes. If you have your money in a bank account, that bank can use those notes and lend up to 90% (assuming the percent they have to hold hasn't changed). of that amount in order for both you and the bank to earn interest on it. This interest also pays into the Federal Reserve Banking System to have things like FDIC insurance, almost always the government even gets a huge 'bonus' deposit back into the coffers because the Fed operates efficiently and has money left over that they donate.

First apologies for veering off topic, I can move to another room or just on if you wish.

By sides I meant the left and the right of American politics. When Obama bailed out it was bla bla bla socialist, Trump printed tons for covid and its bla bla bla Dictator. That's what I mean.

Theres actually a whole other Title on Money that's seperate from Banks and Banking, Title 31. It contains the currency that Lincoln used to fight the Civil War but were still in print not that long ago, still may be idk:

I wonder why we didnt just use these notes instead of creating others with a different issuing authority that otherwise look exactly the same?
First apologies for veering off topic, I can move to another room or just on if you wish.

By sides I meant the left and the right of American politics. When Obama bailed out it was bla bla bla socialist, Trump printed tons for covid and its bla bla bla Dictator. That's what I mean.

Theres actually a whole other Title on Money that's seperate from Banks and Banking, Title 31. It contains the currency that Lincoln used to fight the Civil War but were still in print not that long ago, still may be idk:

I wonder why we didnt just use these notes instead of creating others with a different issuing authority that otherwise look exactly the same?

when clinton was running it was blah blah socialist sanders with dnc taking a clear position on one of the candidates.

i hope debbie wasserman schultz burns in hell.
when clinton was running it was blah blah socialist sanders with dnc taking a clear position on one of the candidates.

i hope debbie wasserman schultz burns in hell.
"Sanders is a socialist"

It was and always have been right wingers who said that. Not Clinton. It's time to move on.


The subject is Trump and his taxes. I don't know why you are trying to change the topic. Trump's tax woes are a good topic, don't you think so?
First apologies for veering off topic, I can move to another room or just on if you wish.

By sides I meant the left and the right of American politics. When Obama bailed out it was bla bla bla socialist, Trump printed tons for covid and its bla bla bla Dictator. That's what I mean.

Theres actually a whole other Title on Money that's seperate from Banks and Banking, Title 31. It contains the currency that Lincoln used to fight the Civil War but were still in print not that long ago, still may be idk:

I wonder why we didnt just use these notes instead of creating others with a different issuing authority that otherwise look exactly the same?
You pushing the old gold bug argument?

Yeah, that's kind of old and tired. As in, settled more than a hundred years ago.

It's time to move on, babe.
First apologies for veering off topic, I can move to another room or just on if you wish.

By sides I meant the left and the right of American politics. When Obama bailed out it was bla bla bla socialist, Trump printed tons for covid and its bla bla bla Dictator. That's what I mean.

Theres actually a whole other Title on Money that's seperate from Banks and Banking, Title 31. It contains the currency that Lincoln used to fight the Civil War but were still in print not that long ago, still may be idk:

I wonder why we didnt just use these notes instead of creating others with a different issuing authority that otherwise look exactly the same?
Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 4.27.09 PM.png

I would point to there being some arbritrary 'fixed' amount of currency notes that cannot be held as a reserve as being a bad thing that caused unnecessary problems.


The biggest I can think of was the reality of the time, with the government not being able to have a reserve system on the money in times of recessions people would hold onto their money and lead to what we are seeing today with the coins out there (not as a value but just functional issue) in the economy.

Basically the people of the time were sick of having recessions every couple years due to this problem and that is why the government created the fed in 1919-ish.

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The mega rich love the idea of a 'fixed' amount or hard asset like gold, because they gain more control over the economy, since they would be in possession of more of it. The government's ability to step in and grease the wheels when the private people are too afraid to spend is how America became able to reduce the frequency of the recessions since the fed stepped up after the great depression.
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I would point to there being some arbritrary 'fixed' amount of currency notes that cannot be held as a reserve as being a bad thing that caused unnecessary problems.


The biggest I can think of was the reality of the time, with the government not being able to have a reserve system on the money in times of recessions people would hold onto their money and lead to what we are seeing today with the coins out there (not as a value but just functional issue) in the economy.

Basically the people of the time were sick of having recessions every couple years due to this problem and that is why the government created the fed in 1919-ish.

View attachment 4699014

The mega rich love the idea of a 'fixed' amount or hard asset like gold, because they gain more control over the economy, since they would be in possession of more of it. The government's ability to step in and grease the wheels when the private people are too afraid to spend is how America became able to reduce the frequency of the recessions since the fed stepped up after the great depression.
If he were educated he would know this, or if he was just interested in economics and went online to say academic lectures, instead of Alex Jones... Dunno if trying to teach this heathen will do much good.
It sure is funny how everyone is Fake News this Fake News that, Everyone's out to get me, When the Hell are you people going to wake up, this morons a fraud and a cheat, He cares not about you, Time you Show him it's over, Don't be fooled if you People that are standing behind Trump don't see this now, Well I feel sorry for ya, I really do, Because your Duped bigly, these Senators Standing behind this fool that Say " We didn't see that yet" but you seen Obama in a Brown Suit.

If this isn't the end of the Republican Party it should be, We the People need to stand up, I think they got the Picture of what you want, Now Vote "ALL" Republican's out they really don't deserve to be in the power they hold at this time.

The funny thing is these people want to take a way a women's right to do what she wants with her body, But you don't give to shits if you wear a mask or a kid get Covid and Dies. it makes no Sense, unless you all want Chaos.

You better be Ready this Supreme Court is going to be FUCKED for a very long time and you Trumper's can all take Credit for that !!
View attachment 4698987

I would point to there being some arbritrary 'fixed' amount of currency notes that cannot be held as a reserve as being a bad thing that caused unnecessary problems.


The biggest I can think of was the reality of the time, with the government not being able to have a reserve system on the money in times of recessions people would hold onto their money and lead to what we are seeing today with the coins out there (not as a value but just functional issue) in the economy.

Basically the people of the time were sick of having recessions every couple years due to this problem and that is why the government created the fed in 1919-ish.

View attachment 4699014

The mega rich love the idea of a 'fixed' amount or hard asset like gold, because they gain more control over the economy, since they would be in possession of more of it. The government's ability to step in and grease the wheels when the private people are too afraid to spend is how America became able to reduce the frequency of the recessions since the fed stepped up after the great depression.

What problems would a "fixed" rate cause? In 1950 during a quasi-gold (fixed) standard the min wage was $23.37 in right now "dollars". That seems like a pretty good problem to have today, no?

Seems like insiders (mega rich) who knew a depression would occur if the fed was going to raise rates worldwide in 1929, converted assets to hard cash beforehand and bought again at huge discounts during the depression. They didn't publish their interest rate target back then, or publicly say weather they were planning to lower or raise rates.

Seems like a lot of that is still going on these days too.
What problems would a "fixed" rate cause? In 1950 during a quasi-gold (fixed) standard the min wage was $23.37 in right now "dollars". That doesnt seem like a big problem.

Seems like insiders (mega rich) who knew a depression would occur if the fed was going to raise rates worldwide in 1929, converted assets to hard cash beforehand and bought again at huge discounts during the depression. They didn't publish their interest rate target back then, or publicly say weather they were planning to lower or raise rates.

Seems like a lot of that is still going on these days too.
The Fed screwed up before the Great Depression and tried to do what the Republicans did in 2008 and let the market melt without intervening (which was what they were designed to do), but people still wanted to do the whole 'let them pull themselves up by bootstraps' kind of system and it failed hard.

I guess you don't pay too close attention to the Fed minutes and other announcements, but they are very transparent with their changes in interest rates.
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I guess the hard part is everything is relative with 'better' or 'worse'. There are pro and cons. By having a quasi government entity like the Federal Reserve in charge of the banking, we have more control over our money system, but not in the hands of politicians. And it is almost impossible for foreign nations (or mega wealthy) to have much impact on our moneys value and with the micro adjustment (might seem obscene to call billions/trillions 'micro' but for the entire daily transactions around $5 trillion moving around every day it makes more sense to think of it that way) and that is why the world uses it as the world reserve currency. Which is a huge benefit to our nation.

With a steady and mostly small amount of inflation it makes people want to use their money to grow it by investing in the economy. If the money all had a 'flat rate' of inflation people would in times of economic turmoil hold onto their money and it would lead to deflation in the crisis which is why the recessions were so bad prior to the fed becoming actively involved in stabilizing the economy with respect to inflation rates and unemployment.
What problems would a "fixed" rate cause? In 1950 during a quasi-gold (fixed) standard the min wage was $23.37 in right now "dollars". That seems like a pretty good problem to have today, no?

Seems like insiders (mega rich) who knew a depression would occur if the fed was going to raise rates worldwide in 1929, converted assets to hard cash beforehand and bought again at huge discounts during the depression. They didn't publish their interest rate target back then, or publicly say weather they were planning to lower or raise rates.

Seems like a lot of that is still going on these days too.
You seem hung up on finances when politics explain why the middle class is being squeezed into lower income groups.

Ever hear of the oxymoronic "right to work laws"? That right there explains stifled wages better than any archaic gold bug theories.
How about the continuous and daily attacks on unions by the right wing fascist party? Excepting police and prison guard unions, that is.
How about the movement of manufacturing to nations with harsh laws against collective bargaining and worker's rights? Not to mention child labor making Ivanka's products.

What you have done is fixated on a theory and are looking for excuses to claim you are right.

It's the erosion of unions, the decline of manufacturing, cuts to public funds for education along with the rise of the service economy and automation that explains why wages have stagnated or declined for the truly essential workers of this country. And you talk about the gold standard. Chump.
The Fed screwed up before the Great Depression and tried to do what the Republicans did in 2008 and let the market melt without intervening (which was what they were designed to do), but people still wanted to do the whole 'let them pull themselves up by bootstraps' kind of system and it failed hard.

I guess you don't pay too close attention to the Fed minutes and other announcements, but they are very transparent with their changes in interest rates.
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I guess the hard part is everything is relative with 'better' or 'worse'. There are pro and cons. By having a quasi government entity like the Federal Reserve in charge of the banking, we have more control over our money system, but not in the hands of politicians. And it is almost impossible for foreign nations (or mega wealthy) to have much impact on our moneys value and with the micro adjustment (might seem obscene to call billions/trillions 'micro' but for the entire daily transactions around $5 trillion moving around every day it makes more sense to think of it that way) and that is why the world uses it as the world reserve currency. Which is a huge benefit to our nation.

With a steady and mostly small amount of inflation it makes people want to use their money to grow it by investing in the economy. If the money all had a 'flat rate' of inflation people would in times of economic turmoil hold onto their money and it would lead to deflation in the crisis which is why the recessions were so bad prior to the fed becoming actively involved in stabilizing the economy with respect to inflation rates and unemployment.

They weren't transparent with rates back then at the time of the great depression, that's what I was conveying. So they didn't let the market melt, they raised rates in the dark and the market responded with a depression. The mega rich of course were well aware of what was coming, the insiders anyhow; some general distrust existed as the charter for the fed would expire in a few short years. The rest, rich and poor alike were riding a wave of easy credit until the rug was pulled out so to speak.

What do you consider a small amount of inflation? For example a worker in 1950 was paid a minimum of one silver dollar per hour or $23.85. Today the min is $7.25. Is that minimal or acceptable inflation?

Can China not impact our "elastic currency" by dumping Treasury bonds? Are those not what we sell to put currency in circulation? In fact many countries can do the same.

No worries though, theres more than one currency on our books, and like I said; the feds charter was up almost 100 years ago.

"To have succession for a period of twenty years from its organization unless it is sooner dissolved by an Act of Congress, or unless its franchise becomes forfeited by some violation of law."

Changed to:

"To have succession after the approval of this Act until dissolved by Act of Congress or until forfeiture of franchise for violation of law."

In 1927.