Please Help


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a nitrogen deficiency. You need bloom nuets, or at least A+B / calmag to fix what you got going on


Well-Known Member
if you cant get those, whats your soil?? If it has nuets in it throw a top coat on there


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using??? If it's Fox Farms you shouldn't need to add anything if you just transplanted


Active Member
Im pretty sure its some leftover black gold from the veggies and i have been feeding her 1-3mL of Fish Shit added to water since mid veg.
Picked up a 1-1-1 and 1-3-2 of Jack's Classic so let me know what yall suggest. bongsmilie



Active Member
i guess ill just have to give her a lower dosage :eyesmoke:

...The flower shop i went to doesn't specialize in danks


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure its some leftover black gold from the veggies and i have been feeding her 1-3mL of Fish Shit added to water since mid veg.
Picked up a 1-1-1 and 1-3-2 of Jack's Classic so let me know what yall suggest. bongsmilie

View attachment 4698916
View attachment 4698917091AE886-6360-40EB-9B0D-F4D2897B2A92.jpeg232F5AF0-F100-4FA6-B618-A7E118380D99.png
I use PETERS ORIGINAL and start at half and work up till my plants start to respond negative to the mix then I back off on the mix a little...091AE886-6360-40EB-9B0D-F4D2897B2A92.jpeg


Active Member
@Romeo7701 From what it looks like Peters and Jacks are essentially the same. how do your ladies like it? do you use this mixture every watering?

@SBBCal i didnt have much time on my lunch break and this was all the store carried. yall said feed her nuets so i went and got nuets :peace:


Well-Known Member
@Romeo7701 From what it looks like Peters and Jacks are essentially the same. how do your ladies like it? do you use this mixture every watering?

@SBBCal i didnt have much time on my lunch break and this was all the store carried. yall said feed her nuets so i went and got nuets :peace:
My girls love it I also throw in some Alaskan fish nuits and molasses in about every third feeding... Yes I use nuits every feeding but like I said I played with the mix to get it just right I've never fed till runoff I feed by light or heavy usually twice a day... Here's some pics from about a 2 weeks ago... I also took 8 clones as you can see placed them in soil 2 days ago will up date the pics real soon fixing to switch to Flower on the big girls soon...2108FDC8-988E-421F-B0C6-C0E1931473C0.jpeg02DB3A44-79ED-46A4-8E7C-BE22E4ADA4F6.jpegCDE8B47B-B1F7-4607-A80D-573A41FAB041.jpeg526D9EE3-21B8-484E-8206-112888CDCCE6.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Here are from today after I did a heavy Defoilation this morning before feeding and a pic of the clones since they were put in soil... Keep in mind the seeds are over 10 years old I have no idea what strain they are lol. They are about 18 to 20 inches above my buckets should have given you a side view... Lol This ISS my first grows since the late 80's when I was in college...3741D6FA-B998-4946-888A-A0DA5B735E8D.jpeg92AF3770-8921-4F23-A959-342D526D7558.jpeg325876E4-CA73-4FE2-881F-644DBCF0B244.jpeg731D979E-E751-47E6-8302-3BA8D09C95B5.jpeg3741D6FA-B998-4946-888A-A0DA5B735E8D.jpeg92AF3770-8921-4F23-A959-342D526D7558.jpeg325876E4-CA73-4FE2-881F-644DBCF0B244.jpeg731D979E-E751-47E6-8302-3BA8D09C95B5.jpeg


Active Member
@Romeo7701 That looks unbelievable!! This is my first grow and I am also working with some mystery seed, pretty pumped with how well its gone so far. Thanks for all the help! I cant wait to see those ladies while theyre in flower!



Well-Known Member
@Romeo7701 That looks unbelievable!! This is my first grow and I am also working with some mystery seed, pretty pumped with how well its gone so far. Thanks for all the help! I cant wait to see those ladies while theyre in flower!

We'll update you when they are I try to keep them in Veg and top once then let them grow some more to try and get as much out of a harvest I can even though I have clones too do it again... Yours look good also I think you just have to play with the Nuit mix to get them to respond like you want them to, butt I will say this this is the first time I've grown indoors and I found out lighting is a Key the LED lights you see them under I had to purchase about 3 weeks into Veg because the weren't growing or filling out... I am we'll pleases with them so far they made all the difference in my grow!!!53AF3CDC-0E7F-4502-9246-66FFC76D4BE3.jpeg