1. Read the article.
2. He was not fired.
3. A 3 year old found him scary.
4. Your honest non-definition of discrimination applied to this fact pattern is fundamentally flawed. In fact he disagrees with your claim of discrimination . . . hence the agreement that allowed him to continue to mold the young racist homophobes under his charge.

So your saying he's racist, why? Do you know him personally?

3yr old found him scary, yeah that's a 3yr old he's curious, scared for something new and different, maybe he curious most of all.

If he wasn't fired that's awesome

Generally discrimination is flawed, but you can't judge someone cause of.

And btw you in a thong would be awesome.....you sexy beast you... ;)
So your saying he's racist, why? Do you know him personally?

3yr old found him scary, yeah that's a 3yr old he's curious, scared for something new and different, maybe he curious most of all.

If he wasn't fired that's awesome

Generally discrimination is flawed, but you can't judge someone cause of.

And btw you in a thong would be awesome.....you sexy beast you... ;)
Oh, ffs. If he wasn't fired? You still haven't read the CNN article we're discussing. That was kind of a prerequisite before opining on it.

Please let me know how I claimed he is racist.

My awesomeness in a thong notwithstanding isn't the issue.

Please let me know how I claimed he is racist?

Mold young racist homophobes under his charge? Hmmm....so curiosity is out of the window with a 3yr old who might be, for argument might be just simple curious...

And you in a thong would be bitchin...
Mold young racist homophobes under his charge? Hmmm....so curiosity is out of the window with a 3yr old who might be, for argument might be just simple curious...

And you in a thong would be bitchin...
I realize you are mistaking me for a different poster when it comes to your obsession, out of left field, of me in a thong. Perhaps you're referring to a statement made to you by @DrKiz?

It's problematic having this discussion given your inability to keep track of who you're communicating with and your refusal to read the article we're discussing.

Your newfound victim of discrimination in his own words according to CNN's article:

"Maybe when they are adults they will be less racist and less homophobic and more open-minded," he said.

That statement presupposes those children are racist homophobes. There's a lot of that groupthink going around lately and it's bullshit, be it in the UK or the US.
I realize you are mistaking me for a different poster when it comes to your obsession, out of left field, of me in a thong. Perhaps you're referring to a statement made to you by @DrKiz?

It's problematic having this discussion given your inability to keep track of who you're communicating with and your refusal to read the article we're discussing.

Your newfound victim of discrimination in his own words according to CNN's article:

"Maybe when they are adults they will be less racist and less homophobic and more open-minded," he said.

That statement presupposes those children are racist homophobes. There's a lot of that groupthink going around lately and it's bullshit, be it in the UK or the US.

Naw I am not worried bout that account. Whomever that person is. ;)

This is true groupthink lately has and it is, bs.....but a human being shouldn't judge, but we are taught to do so at an early age.

You're quote is more prophetic, and your right I have read the article. Still the question remains. Racism is taught, acceptance isn't, of any human being.

The old lesson is. Treat people as you would want to be treated. Ultimately it's the lesson of all. How do we teach it?

Still like the pictures.....

Oh that's right we needed a guy who has tattoos to show us that
I'm assuming you are young and idealistic, and that is ok. @BudmanTX

What's not OK is your assumption that actions and decisions don't have personal consequences.

What is Discrimination?

Created by FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors | Last updated November 18, 2019
In plain English, to "discriminate" means to distinguish, single out, or make a distinction. In everyday life, when faced with more than one option, we discriminate in arriving at almost every decision we make. But in the context of civil rights law, unlawful discrimination refers to unfair or unequal treatment of an individual (or group) based on certain characteristics, including:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • National origin
  • Race,
  • Religion, and
  • Sexual orientation.
Last edited:
I'm assuming you are young and idealistic, and that is ok. @BudmanTX

What's not OK is your assumption that actions and decisions don't have personal consequences.

What is Discrimination?

Created by FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors | Last updated November 18, 2019
In plain English, to "discriminate" means to distinguish, single out, or make a distinction. In everyday life, when faced with more than one option, we discriminate in arriving at almost every decision we make. But in the context of civil rights law, unlawful discrimination refers to unfair or unequal treatment of an individual (or group) based on certain characteristics, including:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • National origin
  • Race,
  • Religion, and
  • Sexual orientation.

A human fucking being....
Naw I am not worried bout that account. Whomever that person is. ;)

This is true groupthink lately has and it is, bs.....but a human being shouldn't judge, but we are taught to do so at an early age.

You're quote is more prophetic, and your right I have read the article. Still the question remains. Racism is taught, acceptance isn't, of any human being.

The old lesson is. Treat people as you would want to be treated. Ultimately it's the lesson of all. How do we teach it?

Still like the pictures.....

Oh that's right we needed a guy who has tattoos to show us that

I'd rather have this kindergarten teacher myself. Just sayin..

Yah ok. I'm not only dealing with an intellectual coward but also an incomprehensible fucking moron.

Not so bright are you.

That's the basic question,am I, or are you....

Intelligence requires thought, I dunno if you can do it in your thong....
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • National origin
  • Race,
  • Religion, and
  • Sexual orientation.
None of them have to do with tattoos.

That said, if he happened to follow a recognized religion, which included body tattoos, then he might have a case; similar to the way Sikhs are protected with their overgrown beards, because it's part of their religion.
So guys we have a real bright one here don't we.

I'm sure the rest of you could see what I was getting at, unfortunately the Troll @BudmanTX isn't here in good faith it seems, but that's ok.

Nothing better than a bumbling idiot to make a fool of.

While @BudmanTX was picking boogers out of his nose in high school, the rest of us were learning that LAWFUL DISCRIMINATION applies to things we are born with or cannot change.

It appears @BudmanTX has made poor life choices, probably an incel typing from his parents basement, and wants the rest of society to prop him up.

Sorry bucko, argue all you want. That's not the way the world works. And you know what, I FUCKING LOVE IT! IM SMILING THAT IT IS THAT WAY.

Otherwise, we'd have a world of idiots like you running around shitting up everyplace you enter. Just like here.

They could have fired that tattoo covered degenerate, and he couldn't have done shit... except for cry to little panty wastes like you for sympathy points.

I would like to have just one day where they take the warning labels off of everything, it would correct the defects wandering around such as yourself.

Did I explain it patiently enough for you.

When you finally get a job and learn how to hold a spoon properly, maybe we will be able to take you seriously.

Until then, rub the snot from your nose and go outside and play. The adults are trying to talk.

I'm just going to observe. He's doing a service to me from this point out. Never interupt an enemy when he's making a mistake.