Horrified to prune, don’t know which ones


Well-Known Member
Don't take any off. Just stake the branches and make sure they get the most light. Bend the bottom branches away from the center a little. Otherwise it looks good.


Well-Known Member
Worth it to ask yourself what you're trying to accomplish through defoliation. Bug resistance? Airflow? Light penetration?

None of those are really needed in this situation.

ETA: if that leaf on the very bottom is touching the ground I'd rip it off


Well-Known Member
Liked MICHI-CAN says trim the fan leaves blocking the light from the lower flowering points so the lower bud sites can develope and give you a better yield, if your feeling hung ho next grow I would Lolly pop I do that and get a higher yield then if I don't again that's my preference but I also have 10 foot of Clarence on one end of my grow room... You can probably still lollypop her no further along in flower then you are your choice I'm no expert and I've never lollypoped in flower... Good luck and God yield to you!!!


Well-Known Member
Liked MICHI-CAN says trim the fan leaves blocking the light from the lower flowering points so the lower bud sites can develope and give you a better yield, if your feeling hung ho next grow I would Lolly pop I do that and get a higher yield then if I don't again that's my preference but I also have 10 foot of Clarence on one end of my grow room... You can probably still lollypop her no further along in flower then you are your choice I'm no expert and I've never lollypoped in flower... Good luck and God yield to you!!!
That pic is indoor lolli. Here is outdoor extreme defol. 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
Those are as nice as mine at that size. A couple pointers if I may? Lower your light a few inches and decrease your nutes a bit. Really close to burn and N toxicity. Add about 20-30% coco to your soil mix next run. You'll be golden from this picture.


Well-Known Member
Target the most shaded area of plant ( the lowest areas out if light penetration range ) , pinch off minor growth / underdeveloped .

Keep all mid area and above intact.
Then spread the bitch out with LST technique.
Ridiculously easy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man got my lights at
Those are as nice as mine at that size. A couple pointers if I may? Lower your light a few inches and decrease your nutes a bit. Really close to burn and N toxicity. Add about 20-30% coco to your soil mix next run. You'll be golden from this picture.
20 inches above the tips running 20/20/20 Peters at 65 % with a little cal- mag in the mix but I'll give it a try thanks man running yard soil/black cow/peatmoss and 40% pearlite mix... I'll take all the help I can get allot had changed over the years and I'm building a hydro setup for my next full grow!!!


Well-Known Member
I'd more concerned about that leaf curl than removing leaves. You need to back off the nutes some.

Defoliate or not defoliate. Who cares. Some do and some don't. That debate is a dead end. I don't cut anything myself. I get great yields as do those that defoliate. Any larf hanging around I strip off and use for dry ice hash.


Well-Known Member
Those are as nice as mine at that size. A couple pointers if I may? Lower your light a few inches and decrease your nutes a bit. Really close to burn and N toxicity. Add about 20-30% coco to your soil mix next run. You'll be golden from this picture.
One question when I back off to 50% of the recommended mix ratio my leaves start to droop and the tip curl doesn't really go away what else could cause that I dropped my lights the other day and they got real droopy???