Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah you’ve got no idea with this lockdown mate last one was a piece of piss 3 weeks is nothing and it was a half assed lockdown compared to this one.
This one no work for 10 weeks and I’m not eligible for job seeker so the dole for me no extra money for me. So I get lose savings cause Dan Andrews is a fucken dumb cunt that privatised the the botched hotel scheme to save a buck and that has fucked this state.
My kids a clearly been effected by staying at home for a long time this has effected the way they social skills, there education which has been put back a year just lucky there young. That’s just the tip of it

I hear ya, I've got three jobs in Melb. I start those suckers and neighbors dob and.50k fine the filth give you as a nice present. Heard a bloke poured two driveways in Berwick and the jacks fined him 50k. I'm same, cunts think I'm Kerry packer. Can't. Get anything except access to my super. So thought fuck it id buy a cunt load of seeds lol
Hopefully It start again in a fortnight. Otherwise I see cunts rioting and cutting loose. Blokes have mortgages and.families to support. Got a few mates I'm gifting some nice fems to get t hgem out of the shit or at least mellow the lads out. Least I could do when they been staunch and helped me when I was on the bones of my arse.
You're right, kids are the ones the government has fucked royally. I have 5 and another due in 6 weeks.
Luckily up here in rural Vic playgrounds and.shit are open so at Least they can play with other kids.
I feel for you, Victoria the fucked state.
Mate used to say when we were finishing slabs, only two states to be in.... off ya head and Victoria.
Guess only one state now lol
Tassie wants to open again. We tried to last time but Vic fkd it up. Happy to not open to be honest. Things are good.

The Tasmanian Government has announced that it will look to easing border restrictions with low risk Australian jurisdictions from October 26.

Low risk jurisdictions are determined by Public Health based on a number of factors which include the period of time they have gone with low or no numbers of cases and the lack of community transmission occurring in those jurisdictions.

At this stage, low risk states include South Australia, Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland, the ACT and possibly NSW.

The COVID-19 risk in all States and Territories continues to be monitored and the easing of restrictions is dependent on the situation in those jurisdictions.

Current restrictions and requirements remain in place until that time. Further information on requirements and restrictions in relation to border restrictions easing will be provided closer to the date.
400k for licence and perfect background gives you licence to grow legally in Vic. Just announce in Hepburn near Daylesford company paid that plus God knows what in brown paper bags and.seats on the board when ministers leave parliament to get the green light