Trump has Coronavirus

holy shit! the vid they're rolling from yesterday of him getting off chopper he looked gaunt and lost his balance getting off the steps and while walking :shock: - bet you he dies.

squares for sales.

in case you've forgotten or have you become so desensitized?

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It is not that I don't get he has done some truly evil things to people. It is just that I don't want him to escape punishment.
This is how fucking stupid he is. We can't even believe if he has the Rona or not. He lies so much even this is up for debate. His team is folding like a weathered lawn chair and it almost could be believed as a last ditch hail mary for sympathy etc. Idk if its cause I've heard it so many times this morning or I actually believe it now. Speak it into existence. Its worked for Dumper so far with the low IQers. If we see or hear about him being perfectly fine then I will be way more suspect. I can hope for now.
So Herman Cain died, a bunch of WH staff has rona including the orangutan king and his roommate, people at the ACB nomination on saturday tested positive after being criticized for not wearing masks and shaking hands/hugging and its supposed to make the democrats look weak? LOL, they need to double think that re-election strategy
It was just yesterday that Trump tested positive and he's already symptomatic? Lots of questions about the timeline for both the Trumps and Hope Hicks.
It is not that I don't get he has done some truly evil things to people. It is just that I don't want him to escape punishment.

Death is a pretty stiff punishment. Do you really think this fucker is going to hang around for a trial? Too coward to off himself he's going to skip town if he's smart..go out in a blaze of glory and take as many of us as he can or will die of Covid the more I think about how he looked after stepping off the chopper the more I believe he will succumb to the plague. The dudes unhealthy and many healthy people have died. He really looked like shit.

It would be best for all concerned.