Horrified to prune, don’t know which ones


Well-Known Member
That claw on some of those leaves probably won't go away. You want to prevent new ones from becoming like them.
Ok ill back off on the nuits and feed at 50% for a week and see what happens can't hurt and I'm going to a 10/30/20 mix at 50% when I switch to Flower... Thanks SHO I appreciate the advice I'll get me a pattern down then have to figure out a new one when I go hydro...


Well-Known Member
So it looks like you cut it at some time right at the top. When did you Make that decision?
I always top my plants when they get at least 4 nodes sometimes I wait till they have 6 then I top wait two weeks then lollypop and defoilate that's the way I've always done it, it'sjust my preference but allot of growers do it...


Well-Known Member
I have several friends that grow and they have Topped, not Topped and lollypoped and not lollypoped every time they Topped and lollypoped they got at least 3 ounces more yield then not so I decided to follow their lead... Wizzelbiz on here just got through doing a test and posted it on here one plant defoliated, One lollypoped and one that he didn't do shit to, just let her grow and do her thing she produced the least and the lollypoped one produced the most...
Here is where I would start. Send after pic for the rest. Sterilize our scissors and hands before attempting. View attachment 4700870
Phew....I did it! I was not scared anymore with your guidance...thank you. So pic is the front after taking off and second pic is the back which I have not touched because Ineed your help please. I can’t thank you enough!


Phew....I did it! I was not scared anymore with your guidance...thank you. So pic is the front after taking off and second pic is the back which I have not touched because Ineed your help please. I can’t thank you enough!
For some reason my first pic of where I took off leaves only shows half a pic so sending the pruned front again.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to a 10/30/20 mix at 50% when I switch to Flower
Your plant will be raining leaves if you do. They need that N when in flower just as much as vegging; in fact for the first four weeks even more. Think about how much they are transforming, growing and stretching. It is also why you see so many post on here saying 'Week two of flower, what is this deficiency?'


Well-Known Member
Here is what I see. And remove all growth in the rectangular box that isn't a main stem (branch). Keep me posted. Would more people to know how this works. And how well when done right. B91A15E7-7E97-45C0-ACC3-4D01F567C537.jpegCCE43E2D-E5A2-470E-8C3A-1830D4F9E94A.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Your plant will be raining leaves if you do. They need that N when in flower just as much as vegging; in fact for the first four weeks even more. Think about how much they are transforming, growing and stretching. It is also why you see so many post on here saying 'Week two of flower, what is this deficiency?'
I respect your experience. Refute your claim. Nute def and other issues. Not defol related. How long you been defoliating? Just opinions and experiences from different styles. Hydro guys should avoid it. Soil it is effective.


Well-Known Member
I respect your experience. Refute your claim. Nute def and other issues. Not defol related. How long you been defoliating? Just opinions and experiences from different styles. Hydro guys should avoid it. Soil it is effective.
Not following you. I was replying to Romeo about going to 10/30/20 in flower. Did not mention anything about defoliating the plant. Please re-read with the quote first. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Not following you. I was replying to Romeo about going to 10/30/20 in flower. Did not mention anything about defoliating the plant. Please re-read with the quote first. :peace:
My sincerest apologies. Honestly. Really defensive after the beating I have taken for my methods. I'm an ass, admittedly. Please overlook my lack of reading. I'm just trying to help people. Getting bashed all the time by those who don't or can't.

Please address the nute issues. Let's get this full and fat. Peace always.


Well-Known Member
I've actually experimented with this more than once. Clones from same spots on same mom's, one defoliated, one left to bush up on it's own. I understand the "solar panel" argument and all, but in my experience my yield has always been noticeably better when I defoliate/expose more bud sites to light. The key is to not go overboard, I only remove the biggest fan leaves growing out of the main stems.

I also always get a lot more yield from lollipopping vs not.


Well-Known Member
Your plant will be raining leaves if you do. They need that N when in flower just as much as vegging; in fact for the first four weeks even more. Think about how much they are transforming, growing and stretching. It is also why you see so many post on here saying 'Week two of flower, what is this deficiency?'
Ok I'm using 20/20/20 at 1/2 strength and my leaves are dark green with tips curling down...
Soo maybe full strength in the 10/30/20 are definitely stay with the 20/20/20 till week 4 in flower??? All my girl have been topped defoilated and lollypoped + LST on them...


Well-Known Member
My sincerest apologies. Honestly. Really defensive after the beating I have taken for my methods. I'm an ass, admittedly. Please overlook my lack of reading. I'm just trying to help people. Getting bashed all the time by those who don't or can't.

Please address the nute issues. Let's get this full and fat. Peace always.
Hey MICHI-Can thank you for all your help I've always used the methods you are recommended in the past I just didn't know if they have been a better way invented to get maximum yeild... Thank you again for all your help man really appreciated man!!!


Well-Known Member
For some reason my first pic of where I took off leaves only shows half a pic so sending the pruned front again.
Looks good man you did a good job I would have took a little more off them but that's just me man follow your gut man growing is in us all we just have to make it come to the surface!!!