Trump has Coronavirus

Death is a pretty stiff punishment. Do you really think this fucker is going to hang around for a trial? Too coward to off himself he's going to skip town if he's smart..go out in a blaze of glory and take as many of us as he can or will die of Covid the more I think about how he looked after stepping off the chopper the more I believe he will succumb to the plague. The dudes unhealthy and many healthy people have died. He really looked like shit.

It would be best for all concerned.
Fair enough I relent, you are most likely correct. I still am never going to wish someone dead though. And would prefer to see him go to trial and have 12 American's decide his fate.

I am a fan of accountability.
If anybody gives you any shit for mocking our sick POTUS, just go rewatch Trump attacking Hillary when she had pneumonia.

Fuck this guy right in the ear.

Yeah I am not going to guilt anyone for talking shit about his very bad decisions and comments, I just am not going to go to the obvious troll just in case.

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I think what is sketchy to me is I would have expected more people to show positive (people with Biden have tested negative) like Chris Wallace of the poor girl who lost her father to the virus and mom is freaking out as she is going to go get tested. And until more than just Trump, his wife, and Hicks ends up being reported as Corona positive, or he goes the way of Herman Cain, I can't with certainty trust any reporting on it. His doctors have lied to us before, and we have proof that his talking head trolls all lie to us.

Trump might just be pouting after his shitty performance in the debate.

But one thing is for sure. Even if it ends up being just the sniffles and a slight headache, Trump would be the worse spoiled brat of a man-baby ever while sick I would bet.

Or handicapped dude

Or military who are wounded or die while doing their duty.
Fair enough I relent, you are most likely correct. I still am never going to wish someone dead though. And would prefer to see him go to trial and have 12 American's decide his fate.

I am a fan of accountability.

Yeah I am not going to guilt anyone for talking shit about his very bad decisions and comments, I just am not going to go to the obvious troll just in case.

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as am i but he will never be held accountable ..he's not going away quietly either-it's always on his terms.. i'm warning you now.. his death would save us all from things i don't wish to tell you about.

were you sad that we didn't have an accountability trial for Hitler?

were you happy when Trump* brought up that Obama was born in Kenya dogging his entire presidency?

we're almost at 209k dead BECAUSE OF HIM and Trumpy* is still withholding Pandemic tracing, PPE, supplies, UI extension for jobs lost OUT OF OUR CONTROL schools and businesses..why should i have to live on the street because they don't want to spend any more money for the countrys' citizens THAT THEY CAUSED?:finger:
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plasma doesn't always work which is why they pulled it as a therapeutic.
My hope is that it doesn't.

Even if he doesn't die from this, he has all the symptoms and is sick. From what I understand, it lingers for weeks for most people that get sick.
I just saw an interview with a congresswoman who has had it for 2 weeks and she said some days she feels good, and other days she's fatigued and short of breath. My point is that he's pretty much fucked for a while.
If you want to catch a thief, you have to think like a thief. His mind is simple and he goes by his gut. That gut gives bad advice because it gets fed fast food. This just sounds to me as a screenplay being written for a reality show in real time. He'll build the drama of being sick and surviving, like he's bullet proof. "Eventually, I'll be right."

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