Harvesting soon

I was curious. I’m about 10 days or so from harvest all outdoor grow and I have a bunch of leaves starting to yellow and die, is this normal? I’m starting to flush on my next water.


Well-Known Member
Yes but if you can share some Pics that would help out a lot, Yellowing leaves are normal in flower towards the end of her life, get a Loup or Magnifying glass and take a close look at the Trichomes and see if they are white to amber color, Clear she needs more time White and Amber it's about ready.

Share some pics so we can determine if she's ready.
Yes but if you can share some Pics that would help out a lot, Yellowing leaves are normal in flower towards the end of her life, get a Loup or Magnifying glass and take a close look at the Trichomes and see if they are white to amber color, Clear she needs more time White and Amber it's about ready.

Share some pics so we can determine if she's ready.
Posted some pics


Well-Known Member
They have some time to go yet but are looking very nice and healthy. a few more weeks you should be really happy.

Thanks for the pics it help a bunch.

Good day !!


Well-Known Member
They are going to put on a lot more just be patient. Very good job on those lovely ladies.
They are going to put on a lot more just be patient. Very good job on those lovely ladies.
My only concern is them being outdoor and being in central Oregon the temps at night dip pretty low towards the middle to end of this month (around 35 Fahrenheit) will that do any damage?
Thanks for your help. I’ve wondered how they are this is my first go at growing. Next year I’m going in the ground, going for trees


Well-Known Member
Well if you get some clear plastic and cover them the cold won't kill them but Frost will.

The plastic will keep frost from getting to them. I still have mine out with plastic and they are fine we have gotten down into the 30s here in Upper Mi. and she's fine just a bit slower hopefully there is a few weeks left for okay weather.

Your Very Welcome and you should be proud of those ladies they are looking very nice keep up the great work.

Oh I see you have covered them already I just noticed that sorry, lol should be good to go.