When should flowering start after Flip?

I have this on my to buy list.

Since I am growing in a closet, I'm not sure where I would connect them too though.
What do people do in that situation?
That's similar to the one I use and it works great. As for attaching it, just hit the hardware store. There are any number of things you could use to tack it to the inside of your closet.

Edit, I just looked at your grow as well, nice. It looks like you already have a couple hooks in the back that will hold the net. A few more of those and you are set. Or you could build a wood frame as suggested. I think just a few more of those hooks attached to you back wall would work fine thought. Just depends on how you want to do it.
That's similar to the one I use and it works great. As for attaching it, just hit the hardware store. There are any number of things you could use to tack it to the inside of your closet.
Yup you should start seeing little buds poppin up pretty soon let her do her thing.