Vintner's Moonshine x Space Dude seed plants
With my pot, the most important thing is the smell. Then potency and a distant 3rd would be the taste. That's just me.
When I saw the Weed Nerd episode where Sub went to Nor Star's garden and was taken back by the smell of the Vintner's Moonshine and then Odie Diesel said it smelled like rubbing got my attention and was hoping for the longest time, they would cross it w/ Sub's males. I got my wish.
All the seed plants look like the mother....I don't see any space queen, at least yet...but what do I know? Definitely different looking Marijuana plants than I'm use to seeing/growing. Very short/stocky/indica.
1 of 6 confirmed females...
Had a whole bunch of males show me their balls at the same time. Cover your ears, fellas...