134 days: Silver Lotus buds turning yellow


I’ve been feeding my plant with Lucas formula at 5.8ph in coco.
Not sure whats wrong with my plants but one of them started turning really brown like really brown and dry.
I’m not quite sure what’s the issue.
Please let me know if you have any other questions

these pics are taken after 2 days of flushing



Why is it at 134 days, auto, or is it revegging
Oh sorry to mention it’s a photo period plant.
The plant that is turning yellow and brown is not reveging. The ones near the outlet is reveging.
I got some free seeds I wasn’t sure how long they are suppose to go for. I was waiting for them to have a bit of amber


Well-Known Member
You know I was kind of expecting this. Okay well thanks. It’s my 3rd grow as you can see I still don’t have it down hahaha.

I got a grow tent and new outlet. So light leaks from both also confused the plant.
Looks like you've got some excessive nutrients locking stuff up pretty badly. The leaves look waxy, like too much nitrogen but there are probably other nutes in excess as well. I'd flush out thoroughly with 6.5 PH water and follow up with a 1/4 strength fertilization afterwards. Not sure about your schedule and how that might be affecting your girls. When in doubt, always start with a flush and mild fert to get to a safe starting point. Also, less is more when it comes to ferts anyways. Cut the dosage in half for a while and monitor for a while on the next run.