Harsh smoke

First of all, trim that shit. Second, get yourself a 10$ humidistat and put your weed in jars with the humidistat in one of the jars so you can see how much the RH comes up. If it stabilizes somewhere below 55%, you're stuck with what ya got cause it won't cure anymore. If it's above 65%, burp the jars to dry it out more. 62% is target.

P.S., you gotta have thick skin on this site, and take peoples advice, even if in the form of snarky criticism. It's all intended to help you grow as a grower, and a man. :peace:

Edit: if it's still too harsh, just cut your losses and make some dank ass butter. That's gonna smell a lot more then drying though....

That's still fresh as a daisy! That's most of the reason for harsh smoke right there. Horrible on your lungs and makes for lots of black gunky tar.
It'll give you quite the cough, doesn't burn properly and tastes harsh / green.

Difficult to tell from your pics...probably could have gone a little further in ripeness, if a couple of those aren't lower buds. (just being honest)

Paper bags are really handy for drying. Helps dry them really nice and evenly. Helps some in higher humidity too.
Needless to say, those buds need at least several more days drying to smoke properly.

All the best. Have a good 1.
There should be a number of places in the woods to cure it IMO. It would blend in and the smell would dissipate more openly. Abandoned buildings are rarely abandoned. SOMEBODY knows it's there and uses it for a temporary hiding place to do illicit things. SCORED!!!!
It was in a place in nature this place was in the middle surrounded nu trees and plants in that perimeter was also my Plant there are h
That's still fresh as a daisy! That's most of the reason for harsh smoke right there. Horrible on your lungs and makes for lots of black gunky tar.
It'll give you quite the cough, doesn't burn properly and tastes harsh / green.

Difficult to tell from your pics...probably could have gone a little further in ripeness, if a couple of those aren't lower buds. (just being honest)

Paper bags are really handy for drying. Helps dry them really nice and evenly. Helps some in higher humidity too.
Needless to say, those buds need at least several more days drying to smoke properly.

All the best. Have a good 1.
[/QUOT should i put them again in paper bags?
That's still fresh as a daisy! That's most of the reason for harsh smoke right there. Horrible on your lungs and makes for lots of black gunky tar.
It'll give you quite the cough, doesn't burn properly and tastes harsh / green.

Difficult to tell from your pics...probably could have gone a little further in ripeness, if a couple of those aren't lower buds. (just being honest)

Paper bags are really handy for drying. Helps dry them really nice and evenly. Helps some in higher humidity too.
Needless to say, those buds need at least several more days drying to smoke properly.

All the best. Have a good 1.
Thanks MAN
Fuck!I ranned out of places to dry So i dry it in paper bags in an abbandoned building.i know that wasn t the best choice but what was i supposed to do...this was my only outdoor grow for this year...Saddly i worked pretty hard for it but in the end something bad happened like my mom smelling it in the bathroom cause my “so called friend” changed his mind in the last moment when he knew i told him bout drying in His place...Anyway Thanks for ur reply MAN!
Need to rent a cabin
Good job on making it to harvest OP. Weed isn’t legal everywhere so big ups to people like you fighting the system with your civil disobedience lol.
Anywhoo... how long did your plant flower? This could be the first culprit. If you harvested early your weed just may not have terpenes developed yet. Also I hope you trimmed the leaves before you smoked/started curing. They are full off chlorophyll and never taste too good.

the other important thing is the conditions to which they were dried. Drying in high temps can GREATLY effect the quality of the smoke. Some of the best food is cooked “low and slow”. Cannabis drying is like this. If you grow and dry correctly you could smoke the buds before curing and still have some smooth tasty buds.
Good job on making it to harvest OP. Weed isn’t legal everywhere so big ups to people like you fighting the system with your civil disobedience lol.
Anywhoo... how long did your plant flower? This could be the first culprit. If you harvested early your weed just may not have terpenes developed yet. Also I hope you trimmed the leaves before you smoked/started curing. They are full off chlorophyll and never taste too good.

the other important thing is the conditions to which they were dried. Drying in high temps can GREATLY effect the quality of the smoke. Some of the best food is cooked “low and slow”. Cannabis drying is like this. If you grow and dry correctly you could smoke the buds before curing and still have some smooth tasty buds.
No it s ok, they were still wett...I didn t mean to upset anyone.i just wanted to smoke some organic outdoor that s it..I can get mostly indoor where i live...
I remember my dad finding my plants in the corner of the yard back in the seventies. They were in little pots. Funny thing is he didn't rip them up but instead put them in the car. I think he gave them to one of his friends. They were from seed from some Columbian Gold. I wish I had those seeds today.
I remember my dad finding my plants in the corner of the yard back in the seventies. They were in little pots. Funny thing is he didn't rip them up but instead put them in the car. I think he gave them to one of his friends. They were from seed from some Columbian Gold. I wish I had those seeds today.
very nice story how was colombian gold high like?was it different from those hybrids we have today?
very nice story how was colombian gold high like?is it different from those hybrids we have today?

I'd trade an ounce of much of the stuff today for an eighth of some of the authentic Colombian Gold we used to get. And then there was the Panama Red, Jamaican, Hawaiian, Thai, and other stuff that I grew up with. Now everyone is just concerned with high THC strains that all taste the same. Kind of sad to see what's happening. So much good weed is no longer around as people grow for a fast harvest and high THC. But I'm still growing long flowering sativa's and landraces. I don't want anything to do with so much of the stuff today. Names like Alien Taco Sauce Cookie Cake Crunch. I find it ridiculous. All these pollen chuckers are now called breeders.
I'd trade an ounce of much of the stuff today for an eighth of some of the authentic Colombian Gold we used to get. And then there was the Panama Red, Jamaican, Hawaiian, Thai, and other stuff that I grew up with. Now everyone is just concerned with high THC strains that all taste the same. Kind of sad to see what's happening. So much good weed is no longer around as people grow for a fast harvest and high THC. But I'm still growing long flowering sativa's and landraces. I don't want anything to do with so much of the stuff today. Names like Alien Taco Sauce Cookie Cake Crunch. I find it ridiculous. All these pollen chuckers are now called breeders.
I ve heard the high u get from "panama red" "colombian gold" was pretty unique and psychedelic, right?i wish i experience that.can u compare it to "lsd" weed strain?that was the only "psycehdelic high" weed strain i tried
I remember my dad finding my plants in the corner of the yard back in the seventies. They were in little pots. Funny thing is he didn't rip them up but instead put them in the car. I think he gave them to one of his friends. They were from seed from some Columbian Gold. I wish I had those seeds today.
I just got some from Columbia. The strains are still the main staples though most ppl prefer mangoviche from there.
I ve heard the high u get from "panama red" "colombian gold" was pretty unique and psychedelic, right?i wish i experience that.can u compare it to "lsd" weed strain?that was the only "psycehdelic high" weed strain i tried

I've never tried LSD but from what I hear it's an indica dominant strain of Mazar + a Skunk strain where Columbian and Panama were sativa's. I recently grew some landrace Mazar I Sharif and am currently growing a cross I made using the Mazar + a PCK/Durban cross I've been working on.

I remember smoking joints back in the day and we would all be laughing and happy. Not couch locked. I also remember when we started getting Humbolt County weed which was when I remember indica's starting to take hold. That stuff would wipe you out. But back then people didn't need the high octane THC strains because the tolerance level was lower. Now with people smoking all this potent stuff they need to smoke more and more to get the same result. But those old strains we used to get did have a psychedelic property to them. Not like eating mushrooms or acid but definitely enhanced your senses instead of putting you to sleep.
I have a pack of Cannobiogen Colombia Mangobiche seeds. I haven't grown any out as the 140 days flowering time doesn't fit into my rotation for the next few grows. Sativa's take much longer than indica's which is why most strains are hybrids.
Yea 24 weeks but great for creating new strains.