What has Trump done to this country?

God, how many of those people that they packed in for Trump's dictator moment, that were healthy, have went back to their minority communities and spread this virus around from being in the super spreading events Trump is having.

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 6.11.47 PM.png

That was set up by Candice Owens. Who I think is radicalized if she is not in on the scam.
Video is not started at her opening statement, because she is a propagandist and should hear all of the expert witnesses first.

@42:14 she starts.

(I am really liking this guy's perspectives you get in their discussions).
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Trump is fucking finished.
He knows it, the GOP knows it, I know it, my Republican neighbor who has a Biden sign on his front lawn knows it & anyone with a semblance of fucking intelligence also knows it.
Problem now is curtailing/stopping the carnage that is the result of Trump's actions, such as his selection of Justice Amy ( the Handmaiden :) ) Barrett to replace RBG on the Supreme Court.
That's all that really counts now, is damage control
Remember just a decade ago James, Jesus was everybody's best buddy, all the top republicans talked to him in person and saw him too, why even Dubya was in good with the Lord! Where has Jesus been? Cheeto Jesus seems to have driven him from the field, I never hear republicans speak of Jesus, or even their deep and abiding faith any more. Yep, just a decade ago Jesus was front and center, everybody sucked his arse, times change. Maybe they will dust off Jesus and trot him out for a later election.
I think people are starting to watch Trump's rallies to see if the fucker croaks on the stage! Like watching racing for the car crashes!
I'm tuning in now with the sound muted, it's the best way to deal with Donald, on and off the debate stage.

Donald could expire mid lie! It would be ironic if the laziest man alive died of over work after being struck down and weakened by covid, desperation drove him to his demise. Donald is full of irony and hubris so ya never know, Donald would provide the Greeks and Shakespeare material to work with for sure.
I think people are starting to watch Trump's rallies to see if the fucker croaks on the stage! Like watching racing for the car crashes!
I'm tuning in now with the sound muted, it's the best way to deal with Donald, on and off the debate stage.

Donald could expire mid lie! It would be ironic if the laziest man alive died of over work after being struck down and weakened by covid, desperation drove him to his demise. Donald is full of irony and hubris so ya never know, Donald would provide the Greeks and Shakespeare material to work with for sure.
A few days ago Trump The Mag(a)nificent said “I’m back because I’m a perfect physical specimen and I’m extremely young.” The guy is nearly 80 and is basically a tub of fucking lard.
A few days ago Trump The Mag(a)nificent said “I’m back because I’m a perfect physical specimen and I’m extremely young.” The guy is nearly 80 and is basically a tub of fucking lard.
One of his aids told the press he might kill himself, covid took a couple of rounds out of him and might have screwed his lungs and ya never know about his heart, to the extent he has one that is. Donald's illness was caught late, probably because Donald refused testing and only submitted after Hope got sick, he went downhill fast and the treatments saved his ass, he'd be dead by now if not for the antibodies. Covid appears to have had enough time to kick the living shit out of Donald, before being brought under control, maybe. He is a danger to himself, others and the country.
This is how we wind up with Pelosi and McConnell. Neither remembers why they ran. Just trying to stay in the game.
Pelosi and McConnell are both well supported by the people they represent. Term limits in Congress are a ploy by wealthy people to get inexperienced lawmakers into the WH that are beholden to them. Trump had zero experience and look at how badly he managed it.
The fucker has lost it, he's out of his mind.
Read this shit

Whatever the fucking drugs are that they administer him, cut him off now before it's too late
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At his rally today he said,

“I feel so powerful,” he said. “I'll walk into that audience. I'll walk in there, I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women.”

because of his immunity now.

which is really hurtful to hear because I honestly felt kinda proud of myself for testing negative to having no immunity because that meant doing a great job wearing a mask, social distancing , washing my hands and staying away from the virus or passing it along or catching it.
Pelosi and McConnell are both well supported by the people they represent. Term limits in Congress are a ploy by wealthy people to get inexperienced lawmakers into the WH that are beholden to them. Trump had zero experience and look at how badly he managed it.
Remove money, term limits limit the talented, the corrupt become lobbyist, put a choke collier on them too! Other democracies have limited the influence of money, though it was not declared speech by their courts. The link between wealth and power should be minimized and ownership of media companies limited to a few percent. Money will always seek to corrupt power for advantage, money follows power and the democrats are about to be showered by it.

Greed, hate and lust for power usually are the things that fuck up the more perfect union thing, the usual suspects. Limit them and government can be surprisingly effective and responsible, while promoting tolerance and equal rights for all.
At his rally today he said,

“I feel so powerful,” he said. “I'll walk into that audience. I'll walk in there, I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women.”

because of his immunity now.

which is really hurtful to hear because I honestly felt kinda proud of myself for testing negative to having no immunity because that meant doing a great job wearing a mask, social distancing , washing my hands and staying away from the virus or passing it along or catching it.
He's the leader of the herd now, as in herd immunity. Nobody knows if he is contagious, he is on experimental therapy and should be in a hospital under isolation, like everybody else. I think he's in psychological collapse and getting more stressed as the clock counts down and the polls drop. His body took and is taking a shit kicking and this is a critical time in the normal course of the illness.
At his rally today he said,

“I feel so powerful,” he said. “I'll walk into that audience. I'll walk in there, I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women.”

because of his immunity now.

which is really hurtful to hear because I honestly felt kinda proud of myself for testing negative to having no immunity because that meant doing a great job wearing a mask, social distancing , washing my hands and staying away from the virus or passing it along or catching it.
Yep, you are right, Amber.

I'm late but I will say that I thought when you mentioned that you tested negative for coronavirus antibodies -- Congratulations! You've stuck to the discipline and changed behavior so that you could work with the public safely and they were safe from you. Yet that filthy pig wallowed in the mud, got sick and then, after receiving a president's level of treatment, the pig swaggered back into the WH while still contagious. So disgusting. Now he's even bragging about it.

I've made the sacrifice too. Stayed on Covid Island to avoid the virus so that my wife could safely care for her mother. I only ever see my mother through a window at her assisted living facility, something that hurts my heart and will hurt forever. We stayed in lockdown protocol. The kids, too. We are all doing our best. Right wingers and especially Trump are making our efforts and sacrifices less effective.

I'm so angry and the disgusted by the people of the Republican Party for their behavior. Now, when I see people without masks, I see filthy and dirty people. It might not be fair but now, when I see Christians, I see filth because of conservative Christians who refused to stop their mega spreader events they call church services. Them and their fake hypocritical smiles.

If everybody had been careful, maybe we would be able to open our schools and freely go out without having to shuffle by other people as if they carried the plague. Our economy could be doing better too. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands that would still be with us. Or those afflicted with long term health issues from the disease. So, yeah, what he's saying and doing is hurtful. Not that he cares about us.
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Yep, you are right, Amber.

I'm late but I will say that I thought when you mentioned that you tested negative for coronavirus antibodies -- Congratulations! You've stuck to the discipline and changed behavior so that you could work with the public safely and they were safe from you. Yet that filthy pig wallowed in the mud, got sick and then, after receiving a president's level of treatment, the pig swaggered back into the WH while still contagious. So disgusting. Now he's even bragging about it.

I've made the sacrifice too. Stayed on Covid Island to avoid the virus so that my wife could safely care for her mother. I only ever see my mother through a window at her assisted living facility, something that hurts my heart and will hurt forever. We stayed in lockdown protocol. The kids, too. We are all doing our best. Right wingers and especially Trump are making our efforts and sacrifices less effective.

I'm so angry and the disgusted by the people of the Republican Party for their behavior. Now, when I see people without masks, I see filthy and dirty people. It might not be fair but now, when I see Christians, I see filth because of conservative Christians who refused to stop their mega spreader events they call church services. Them and their fake hypocritical smiles.

If everybody had been careful, maybe we would be able to open our schools and freely go out without having to shuffle by other people as if they carried the plague. Our economy could be doing better too. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands that would still be with us. Or those afflicted with long term health issues from the disease. So, yeah, what he's saying and doing is hurtful. Not that he cares about us.
I was surprised at the difference here when the government mandated masks for indoors and non social distancing outside, even though our infection rate is close to zero now. Mask wearing went from 20% say, to 97% by my estimate, just because the government required it. People wearing masks before felt kind of foolish when the majority were not wearing them, now non mask wearers usually look guilty.

A national mandate and a 60 day challenge with a lead in period for preparation might make a big difference. Make it a competition between states to achieve the lowest infection rate and highest testing rate etc. Target x infection rate by x date, make it a big thing. Joe has got the right idea and by the time he gets power, most other folks will too, he is leading by example now and that is all he can do.

Testing, contact tracing and case isolation (not with family) and lock down as much as you reasonably can will shorten the pain considerably and reduce plateauing. Winter is coming God help us all, you folks more than usual.
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At his rally today he said,

“I feel so powerful,” he said. “I'll walk into that audience. I'll walk in there, I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women.”

because of his immunity now.

which is really hurtful to hear because I honestly felt kinda proud of myself for testing negative to having no immunity because that meant doing a great job wearing a mask, social distancing , washing my hands and staying away from the virus or passing it along or catching it.
I've experienced/known a LOT of people that had serious side effects from ingesting steroids specifically.
That fucker is high as fuck on roids.
Right now (as if he didn't before :) ) he thinks he's a fucking Superman/God.
Pretty funny, huh?
No, actually it's scary as fuck because he's only just started.
This is his 1st week of treatment.
Can you imagine if his mood swings further off into some other bizarre location?
I feel like leaving this country now, like right fucking now before Trump in his drug induced haze out right calls for Civil War (Oh, he has already, hasn't he?)
But, I ain't going anywhere because America right now is considered by the World a fucking leper colony & won't let me in.
Damn it, even Canada won't let me in.
Fucking sad shit, eh?
Stay/be safe :)
Damn it, even Canada won't let me in.
2 week quarantine, it's doable, applying as a refugee might be yer best bet! :D

Hang in there old feller, I figured the Don was all roided up, he got a taste of feel good. Donald needs a specialist, a doctor Feelgood, someone who would make the secret service scrape Donald off the ceiling with a Goddamn putty knife. He'd still be in Walter Reed "resting comfortably" and not killing people with his thumbs, pie hole and mere presence. By the time he got out of WR next week, I'd have a monkey the size of King Kong on the fuckers back and he'd be drooling coming out the door.:D