Cal mag

Going beyond the cannabis broscience and into actual science the facts are the facts. calcium nitrate supplies plenty of calcium so if using it as your nitrogen source throughout the grow you will not need added calmag. This applies to soil, coco, and hydro. Which is why hydroponic nutrient formula's like Jacks and calcium nitrate do not require adding additional calmag. These are facts. Not some garbage from some broscience intern.

What does calcium nitrate do? It provides both calcium and nitrogen. It is usually applied as a dissolved solution, allowing for quicker plant uptake but may also be applied as side or top dressing.

Calcium nitrate fertilizer is the only water soluble source of calcium available for plants.

Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer provides a fast-acting nitrogen source plus calcium.

If you look at the labels of most inorganic calmag products the ingredients start with "derived from calcium nitrate" followed typically by either magnesium nitrate or magnesium sulfate.

But don't listen to science. Some dude on the internet says that science is wrong.
Also, since many calmag products are made using calcium nitrate and either magnesium nitrate or magnesium sulfate, a product like Jacks does not require the additional calmag that's left out of many cannabis specific nutrients forcing the grower to add it through the use of calmag.

Jacks 321 formula which is very similar to what I use is a micronutrient blend 5-12-26 that contains all the micronutrients and also NPK. That is used with calcium nitrate 15-0-0 + 18% calcium and magnesium sulfate/epsom salts which contains 20% magnesium and 26% sulfur.

As you can see that formula supplies all the calcium and magnesium needed for the plant. If you're needing to add calmag it's because the nutrient formulation is lacking in those nutrients. This is actual plant nutrition based off of science. Jacks 321 formula is used around the world by both hobby growers and commercial greenhouses with no added calmag.

So anyone laughing at those of us feeding our plants a balanced nutrient that does not require adding additional calmag is ignorant of the chemistry behind plant nutrition. I'll just leave it at that and let science do the talking. Not some cannabis broscience and alternative facts.
Even though it may not be CAL/MAG - one version of either element combined with your other nutrients will supply the plant the needed CAL / MAG. Bk isn't trolling, he is bluntly correct in a way.

Fact: I DO NOT USE CAL/MAG AND I GROW IN COCO. But I do add more Magnesium to prevent deficiency. Photosynthesis is the process whereby chlorophyll in the leaves convert sunshine and C02 into sugars; it is the basis for all plant growth. Look up a typical chlorophyll molecule. You will find MAGNESIUM IN THE CENTER. No MAG ,no CLOROPHYLL, NO PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
If you're saying you grow in coco without Calcium and without Magnesium I am convinced you do not know exactly what it is ur saying..
I missed page two. If what you're saying is your base nutrients have enough calcium / magnesium and you don't add any more innit - that makes more sense.
Start when you plant your seed.
Stop when you harvest.
Talking sh*t and not being helpful on RIU, also very easy...
If you're saying you grow in coco without Calcium and without Magnesium I am convinced you do not know exactly what it is ur saying..

Nobody said that at all. What is being implied by one poster is that an added calmag product is needed. I have stated repeatedly that I use calcium nitrate and a micronutrient that contains enough magnesium. I've even posted the ratio's of the various compounds. This entire thread got derailed because one person does not understand that calcium and magnesium can come from sources other than a bottle of calmag.
Start when you plant your seed.
Stop when you harvest.
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Talking sh*t and not being helpful on RIU, also very easy...

Do you harvest one at a time
I use tap water, MaxiBloom, and I never have to add a calmag supplement.
You must be doing something wrong. Lol.
MaxiBloom includes Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfur bud... As far as doing something wrong - my flowers probably put you inna coma, homie!
Nobody said that at all. What is being implied by one poster is that an added calmag product is needed. I have stated repeatedly that I use calcium nitrate and a micronutrient that contains enough magnesium. I've even posted the ratio's of the various compounds. This entire thread got derailed because one person does not understand that calcium and magnesium can come from sources other than a bottle of calmag.
I saw your post on page two - I skipped over that page initially
MaxiBloom includes Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfur bud...
I never said my nutes didn't include all of the necessary elements for good plant growth, including calcium and magnesium.......almost all quality nutes do.
I said I never have to add a calmag supplement.
You might want to brush up on your comprehension skills.

Have a nice day.
I never said my nutes didn't include all of the necessary elements for good plant growth, including calcium and magnesium.......almost all quality nutes do.
I said I never have to add a calmag supplement.
You might want to brush up on your comprehension skills.

Have a nice day.
You are adding a calcium magnesium supplement. What do you think Maxibloom is? Calcium/Magnesium supplement called something else. Literally, it's main ingredients are water, calcium and magnesium. So who is really spreading misinformation and trolling here?
Did you even look at the PDF? Your maxibloom has water soluble trace minerals like I said. Other than being a PK booster what else is in there bud? Calcium/Magnesium lol