What has Trump done to this country?

Recent senate Co. polls, Donald's shit show can't be helping the GOP.

Added yesterday
U.S. SenateColo.OCT 2-11, 2020B/C
Morning Consult
U.S. SenateColo.SEP 8-17, 2020B/C
Morning Consult

hickenlooper is gonna crush gardner. and he started up Wynkoop Brewery which makes him the best candidate IMO
what is an appropriate response for getting maced in the face when he was doing his job protecting a News 9 reporter?

You cannot use deadly force if someone maces you in self defence. Typical double standards from you leftards.
The guy he murdered was a veteran and defended your right to be able to post here today. you should be ashamed.

It looks like Mathew Dolloff was the instigator in this attack and is going to jail for a very long time. Dolloff has a history of extreme left activism.

The beautiful thing is Biden won't have to deal with Trump at all (outside of putting out the fires Trump has left to burn in our nation), all he needs to do is appoint competent people and sign what parts of Biden's agenda that the Democratic party put on his desk to sign while reaching out to all of our foreign allies strengthening our international relationships.

And not allow the Republicans scare tactics to thrive like they did in 2010 so the Democrats can build on their 2020 wins in 2022 so he can actually govern for all 4 years of his presidency unlike any of the last 3 Democratic presidents who only had 2 years to get anything done.
I agree about not riling up the base, quietly go after election reform and security, this will remove many of the GOP advantages. Exploit the break through by as quietly as you can, going after the disinformation infrastructure that underpins the alternative reality. Even converting the AM broadcast band to digital and reviewing license renewals to eliminate "hate radio", though freeing up valuable bandwidth would be the reason.

Scandals, investigations and trials will also help a lot in 2022 when the democrats go after even more republican senate seats. The stink of Donald will be still heavy in the air then and so might talk of mass 2nd degree murder, if not indictments. If Joe and the democrats are successful in solving America's major acute problems in 3 months it will leave a profound and long lasting public impression. I think he can too, as for relations with allies, the ones that count understand and are tuned in enough, we know how democracy works. If Obama isn't Secretary of State (4th in line of succession), he will be appointed to some special position and go on a PR tour for America.

Joe's AG pick will be interesting, so will their transition briefing, independent special counsels will have to wait until after the new year, but could happen before the inauguration, Joe could sign off on the podium while the bible was still warm from his hand.
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You cannot use deadly force if someone maces you in self defence. Typical double standards from you leftards.
The guy he murdered was a veteran and defended your right to be able to post here today. you should be ashamed.

It looks like Mathew Dolloff was the instigator in this attack and is going to jail for a very long time. Dolloff has a history of extreme left activism.

It will make no difference, most people blame Trump's rhetoric and the republican's lack of a spine. Trump is going to lose Colorado and the senate seat is going liberal, the true "law & order" party, liberal means liberty under the constitution and law, Trump is breaking both. You have hundreds of gun murders a day in America, this is just one more and the security guard has an excellent case of self defense, the courts will decide.

There have been over 200,000 covid deaths, Donald is acting like a desperate lunatic and BTW, there is still a bounty on the heads of US troops, Donald has said nothing, Putin's puppet. Only a moron, a sucker and a loser would support Trump at this point in American history.
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I agree about not riling up the base, quietly go after election reform and security, this will remove many of the GOP advantages. Exploit the break through by as quietly as you can, going after the disinformation infrastructure that underpins the alternative reality. Even converting the AM broadcast band to digital and reviewing license renewals to eliminate "hate radio", though freeing up valuable bandwidth would be the reason.

Scandals, investigations and trials will also help a lot in 2022 when the democrats go after even more republican senate seats. The stink of Donald will be still heavy in the air then and so might talk of mass 2nd degree murder, if not indictments. If Joe and the democrats are successful in solving America's major acute problems in 3 months it will leave a profound and long lasting public impression. I think he can too, as for relations with allies, the ones that count understand and are tuned in enough, we know how democracy works. If Obama isn't Secretary of State (4th in line of succession), he will be appointed to some special position and go an a PR tour for America.

Joe's AG pick will be interesting, so will their transition briefing, independent special counsels will have to wait until after the new year, but could happen before the inauguration, Joe could sign off on the podium while the bible was still warm from his hand.
I got through the first half of the second paragraph and am so far thinking 'exactly'. Our nation is under attack by a foreign military and Trump and the Republicans are not only allowing it to continue, but are actively helping them be more effective in their war against our society.

It is not hard to understand that while trying to fix the economy the Republicans once again broke, and trying to keep the world from the active wars (hot wars with North Korea, Iran, Russia, and economic war with China), and settling down the domestic terrorism that is occurring that there is a lot of low hanging fruit Biden can do with bi-partisan support of the responsible (aka non-compramised) Republicans in office who will say they had no idea that their party was taking foreign money through entities like the NRA.

I have a lot of hope about 2021 as long as the Democrats can sweep the Legislative and Executive branch. The Republicans in rural America can relax that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male agenda is alive and well across the courts for the next 30 or so years and that the Democrats can do the heavy lifting while the rest of the Republican party works out it's demons (much like the Democrats had to do in the aftermath of the civil rights era).

Continuing reading.

I really would like to see the NY AG appointed as AG. She will know all the information about Trump's misdeeds from day one from the state's lawsuits of his con's.
Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 11.56.35 AM.png
so he shot the dude before he got maced?

you sir are a moron.

Wow, you call me a moron, don't be so childish.

Mathew Dolloff attempted to grab the murder victims mace, the murder victim then swiped out at Dolloff knocking his hat off, Dolloff then pulled his gun and at that point the murder victim tried to mace the aggressor, Dolloff then discharged his weapon illegally. That is what happened and that is how a jury will see this.

Denver self defence law: To use a gun in self-defence, the shooter must have reason to believe that he or someone else would otherwise suffer serious bodily injury or death.

This matters not as Dolloff was the aggressor. Dolloff will be spending the rest of his sad little life getting what he deserves.
You cannot use deadly force if someone maces you in self defence. Typical double standards from you leftards.
The guy he murdered was a veteran and defended your right to be able to post here today. you should be ashamed.

It looks like Mathew Dolloff was the instigator in this attack and is going to jail for a very long time. Dolloff has a history of extreme left activism.

Again none of this says the shooter is 'the left'.

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That is a great perspective, thank you.
Wow, you call me a moron, don't be so childish.

Mathew Dolloff attempted to grab the murder victims mace, the murder victim then swiped out at Dolloff knocking his hat off, Dolloff then pulled his gun and at that point the murder victim tried to mace the aggressor, Dolloff then discharged his weapon illegally. That is what happened and that is how a jury will see this.

Denver self defence law: To use a gun in self-defence, the shooter must have reason to believe that he or someone else would otherwise suffer serious bodily injury or death.

This matters not as Dolloff was the aggressor. Dolloff will be spending the rest of his sad little life getting what he deserves.

The bullet catcher got what he deserved.
Wow, you call me a moron, don't be so childish.

Mathew Dolloff attempted to grab the murder victims mace, the murder victim then swiped out at Dolloff knocking his hat off, Dolloff then pulled his gun and at that point the murder victim tried to mace the aggressor, Dolloff then discharged his weapon illegally. That is what happened and that is how a jury will see this.

Denver self defence law: To use a gun in self-defence, the shooter must have reason to believe that he or someone else would otherwise suffer serious bodily injury or death.

This matters not as Dolloff was the aggressor. Dolloff will be spending the rest of his sad little life getting what he deserves.
I tend to let the courts decide these things, they have vast experience, we don't try cases on RIU, courts and juries do.