Aussie Growers Thread

mine allways stops pumping to grid i get state 567 error all the time because the voltage on the net work is to high so on sunny days everyones solar cranks volage goes up soon as it hits 250 volts it says state 567 and stops exporting to grid got to call power network they will ajust upto 255 volts then hopefully it will be good but for 11c a kwh then getting charged 40 back might as well let it go to waste or get battery was qouted 15k for 14 kwh battery rip off that was with rebate told them to fuck off
Fwiw, Seedsman order placed and paid for on 28 Sept. No acknowledgement email until yesterday.

Your order has been placed & your stock is now reserved.We are waiting for your payment to be processed.
Yep, they're running slow!

Also ordered a few from Attitude. Tracking shows their arrival in Sydney (awaiting clearance) on 9th Oct, 2020
Attitude order arrived at my drop address today. Photos to come, of course.

Post result.jpg
Yeah I get where your cvoming from
But for those on locked in contracts it can't happen

Yes and no. There’s clauses in the contracts that allow for the grid operators to remove connections if it effects the overall grid (unlikely) and contracts eventually expire.
But I feel sorry for any cunt who gets theirs turned off even tho they are saying it may never happen
I reckon the only way they will get around this is to credit the account for those if and when get turned off to prevent a black out

It still generates electricity for the household the extra just doesn’t go back into the grid. It essentially gets earthed out and lost/wasted. What your suggesting is like paying a petrol station for fuel they don’t sell and tip down the drain.
mine allways stops pumping to grid i get state 567 error all the time because the voltage on the net work is to high so on sunny days everyones solar cranks volage goes up soon as it hits 250 volts it says state 567 and stops exporting to grid got to call power network they will ajust upto 255 volts then hopefully it will be good but for 11c a kwh then getting charged 40 back might as well let it go to waste or get battery was qouted 15k for 14 kwh battery rip off that was with rebate told them to fuck off

The real Beauty of having a decent battery bank is being able to export your surplus power at night when there’s less people exporting while drawing very little if any from the grid.
Yes and no. There’s clauses in the contracts that allow for the grid operators to remove connections if it effects the overall grid (unlikely) and contracts eventually expire.
This contract expires 2029
They can wipe thier arse with it for a I care after that
Be interesting to see where battery technology goes to in the next 5 years.
Have seen some Battery banks for sale recently at decent prices as people upgrade.

Large scale grid storage will be kinetic battery or pumped hydro. Lithium for small scale (households) but lithium will get more efficient and once they nut out the recycling tech we won’t be reliant on mining new ore so prices will come down a fair bit.
Large scale grid storage will be kinetic battery or pumped hydro. Lithium for small scale (households) but lithium will get more efficient and once they nut out the recycling tech we won’t be reliant on mining new ore so prices will come down a fair bit.
Feds are trying to sell the pumped hydro idea down here but want the state to pay for it.
I dont understand why we have to pay for pumped hydro when if we didn't offload power to the the mainland we would have ample for ourselves.
Feds are trying to sell the pumped hydro idea down here but want the state to pay for it.
I dont understand why we have to pay for pumped hydro when if we didn't offload power to the the mainland we would have ample for ourselves.

You sure it’s the feds and not a private investor wanting the state to fork out for some/most of the costs (lol). There’s actually a pumped hydro station being built in the hunter valley, guessing someone sees a potential for larger scale renewable development with good grid access once liddel power station shuts down in 2022
You sure it’s the feds and not a private investor wanting the state to fork out for some/most of the costs (lol). There’s actually a pumped hydro station being built in the hunter valley, guessing someone sees a potential for larger scale renewable development with good grid access once liddel power station shuts down in 2022
Yea its Scott Morrison wanting to make us the "Battery of the Nation" as well as "The Food Bowl of the Nation".
Its a new bass straight link and everything.
Our Energy market down here is pretty much gov owned and/or operated.
Also one of the worlds greenest producers of electricity is little old Tas.
I wouldnt be so sure. This country elected Tony Abbott just a a few short years ago
How the women of Australia voted for him i have no idea. Just goes to show how much the relegiese vote is still worth. May see more Hill Song pollies just like their singers on our TV.