Random Jabber Jibber thread

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
How'd you fuck up your finger?
Got my left hand ring finger caught the gear of one of the cement mixers we use for extraction. I was turning it by hand and went too hard with it. I actually felt it go crunch and immediately knew it wasn’t gonna be good. Cut it pretty bad and it’ swole up twice the size.

But the good news is, now I know how to get outta work for a few days with pay. All I gotta do is smash up a finger or 2 and I’m good! Lol jk Fuck that. Hurt like a mother fucker.


Well-Known Member
Got my left hand ring finger caught the gear of one of the cement mixers we use for extraction. I was turning it by hand and went too hard with it. I actually felt it go crunch and immediately knew it wasn’t gonna be good. Cut it pretty bad and it’ swole up twice the size.

But the good news is, now I know how to get outta work for a few days with pay. All I gotta do is smash up a finger or 2 and I’m good! Lol jk Fuck that. Hurt like a mother fucker.
Damn that sucks.


Well-Known Member
Howdy everyone, hope everyone is having a decent morning......

Noticed the next door the Perez family opened up there food trailer....wooohooo.....had some tamales and chilli this morning for breakfast with a fried egg on it.......well worth the $8

well woke up this morning wonder why it was so windy, come to find out we had a cold front move in, win gusts 25 to 30mpg, but talk about dropping the temp high today is only gonna be 75F today lowes tonight mid 50's......

well coffee is hot if anyone wants some......