End of wk 5 flower, my plant stopped smelling?


Active Member
So I'm not sure if this means something.

My plant stopped smelling at the end of wk 5 of my flower (northern lights so I expect it to go for 8 weeks).

Two things I did in week 5 tha tmight be relevant:
  1. I bumped up the nutes a bit this week because I will cut them at the end of next week. I thought that was smart.
  2. My light timer didn't work one day so the lights were off for an extra 8 hours one day...then back onto 12/12 from that point.
Does the plant not smelling imply I should do something, like more/less nutes, or maybe it's harvest time? Or just ignore it?


Active Member
Neither of those will effect the smell. Why are you cutting the feed after a week
Oh I'm cutting the nutes in 1 week because I think in 1 week, to will start the last 2 weeks of flowering. I read I don't want nutes in the last 2 weeks to 'clean' the weed


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm cutting the nutes in 1 week because I think in 1 week, to will start the last 2 weeks of flowering. I read I don't want nutes in the last 2 weeks to 'clean' the weed
I did a flushing experiment on my last grow, multiple plants, multiple strains half I flushed the other half I didn’t. What I learned was that flushing is for toilets not plants. All it did was make them sick and weak and starving.


Well-Known Member
So I'm not sure if this means something.

My plant stopped smelling at the end of wk 5 of my flower (northern lights so I expect it to go for 8 weeks).

Two things I did in week 5 tha tmight be relevant:
  1. I bumped up the nutes a bit this week because I will cut them at the end of next week. I thought that was smart.
  2. My light timer didn't work one day so the lights were off for an extra 8 hours one day...then back onto 12/12 from that point.
Does the plant not smelling imply I should do something, like more/less nutes, or maybe it's harvest time? Or just ignore it?
It comes and goes somewhat yes. It will be stinking by week 8 9 10 for sure again.