Bigdaddy’s garden, hoping for 8-10lbs Tons of pictures

I chopped two yesterday. My monster WWxBB and a super frosty Snowcaine pheno #2. It’s hard to really see how big the WWxBB. canopy actually is.B709D433-B28A-4CC1-92B3-51AC8F2B4310.jpeg5C565E9B-3E17-4B72-90EB-79B121FED016.jpeg743FA7A7-9601-4F89-91CA-F9E72D57F9BB.jpegF9A97933-A6A9-42BC-9D87-9AB707A79C09.jpeg4F59C6BA-6109-46FF-B067-20D91221B0DB.jpeg7A21B686-CD75-48A2-A64D-DE861B658574.jpeg75F55A08-92E9-4BD8-8371-8447BD1CE345.jpeg14E352ED-E98C-42D2-A68F-3A4223641A97.jpeg578885FE-DA25-47A4-A130-2F888CA1FF4E.jpegE5B1A91F-12DD-4FA5-A67F-2B9385CE9350.jpeg
I gotta say alot of ppl say it is hype and overcost but I can say that these blackdogs are really putting out impressive results.
I gotta say alot of ppl say it is hype and overcost but I can say that these blackdogs are really putting out impressive results.
I say, you get what you pay for! They’re not QB or COB’s, so they’re not as efficient. People are always saying it’s old technology, if true black dog mastered it and it’s blowing the rest away. Results speak for themselves! I’ve had my Phytomax2 800 drop 8’, to a concrete floor cause the stop on my light rail came loose. I plugged it in, and it didn’t even phase it. All it did was bend the corner of the aluminum housing. They’re WAY over built. I challenge anyone to find another light, that can take that fall, not skip a beat and produce these results!