A very good example of why I say it is very important to read the source material/full speeches and draw your own conclusions about what it is.
full letter
This is a good example of a journalist who is selling some controversy in the Democratic party where there is none, while evoking 'the Squad' to sell the narrative.
The letter above has nothing to do with Biden or any schism between his stance and theirs, it was a letter to the senate leadership.
Actually this reminded me of a previous account that was trying to pretend like Biden was saying something different and actually when I watched the full speech he did on CSPAN it turned out that Biden was actually making the same argument that the above legislators are making in that above letter:
View attachment 4717575
The Democratic party is pulling from 100% of our nation's voices. Yes that is a lot more chaotic than the Republicans representing about 33%, but it is also far more effective.
Journalist are just as easily caught up in the propaganda warfare as any other American/citizen of a democracy, and say a bunch of stupid shit. That is why it is far more important that people learn how to digest actual information for themselves and not get spoon-fed narratives that sound all edgy.