President Trump's Achievements.


Well-Known Member
It's easy to find the things he's screwed up but has he done anything positive? In four years there must be something. Personally I think his dealings with China have "some" merit but there has to be something good he's accomplished even if it wasn't intentional but what?
I think he helped women realize enough was enough and advanced women's empowerment years/decades, and pointed out every way our society has been suppressing our minority communities which will bring about much needed changes in eliminating those roadblocks.

His signing the bipartisan prison reform was a very positive move from the very little I know about it. It sounds good anyways.
It's easy to find the things he's screwed up but has he done anything positive? In four years there must be something. Personally I think his dealings with China have "some" merit but there has to be something good he's accomplished even if it wasn't intentional but what?
Trump has shown me that actual politicians aren’t so bad lol
In the beginning I said to myself “eh.. well maybe not having a politician in office won’t hurt”
Fuck me! Was I wrong lol
What are/were Trump's accomplishments as the POTUS?
Only one thing that I can think of.
To really, really bring to the forefront the divisions/schisms/inequality in America's society.
Before Trump there was really only innuendo, like Nixon/Reagan & the GOP in general subtly disparaging Jews/Liberals/Blacks/Gays.
But now it's right in front of our eyes (except for the Jew part, Trump wants the Evangelical vote so he's pro-Israel (but deep down inside he probably hates them both)
Trump is fucking Biblical in what he has presented/done to America.
Can we recover from Trump's legacy?
I'm not really sure that will be possible anymore.
He has taken the worst of the worst in America and smashed us in the face with it.
Was that a good thing, to kick us in the teeth/balls/vagina showing us how actually fucked up we all are by electing him?
Was he necessary in a way, a final warning to America?
We shall see
Take care/be safe :)
The most ingenious part of this simulation is that any extremes cause an appreciation for the opposite. Trump’s disdain for the truth and science gave rise to an appreciation for truth and science. Yin yang in action. It’s beautiful.
So he hasn't done anything decent not even by accident? To have so much power and opportunity but accomplishing nothing! Is he a precursor of things to come or just a blip on the hx of America radar?
Trump has shown me that actual politicians aren’t so bad lol
In the beginning I said to myself “eh.. well maybe not having a politician in office won’t hurt”
Fuck me! Was I wrong lol
Disclaimer to the post I am replying to..

I did not vote for the Chester Cheetah imposter we have in office.