Pandemic 2020

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Almost a thousand cases in Ontario. The highest yet with hospitalizations increasing. It’s going to be bad everywhere.

Yeah it’s very bad. I keep thinking it’s best to avoid traffic and driving or any possible situation you could possibly get into an accident and need to go to the hospital because of an emergency because there will not be a bed available for you. I don’t even want to ride my bicycle anymore at this point.
Yeah it’s very bad. I keep thinking it’s best to avoid traffic and driving or any possible situation you could possibly get into an accident and need to go to the hospital because of an emergency because there will not be a bed available for you. I don’t even want to ride my bicycle anymore at this point.
I’ve been thinking about that too. Stay safe brother.
Maybe its time for white people to start picking crops. Increase those American job numbers.
They will, Mexicans won't want to come to America, the covid mortality rate among Hispanics is horrific. An uncontrolled epidemic has consequences, America will have travel restriction imposed upon it until spring when they hopefully have responsible government. If Trump were to get back in, I would suggest gardening for Canadians, with a focus on growing enough potatoes to survive. Our bank and credit cards will continue to work, but if America goes under economically, we will get hammered hard here in Canada. A Trump Kleptocracy, or Trumptocracy will see many American refugees overwhelming Canada, we'll need a fucking wall!
They will, Mexicans won't want to come to America, the covid mortality rate among Hispanics is horrific. An uncontrolled epidemic has consequences, America will have travel restriction imposed upon it until spring when they hopefully have responsible government. If Trump were to get back in, I would suggest gardening for Canadians, with a focus on growing enough potatoes to survive. Our bank and credit cards will continue to work, but if America goes under economically, we will get hammered hard here in Canada. A Trump Kleptocracy, or Trumptocracy will see many American refugees overwhelming Canada, we'll need a fucking wall!

Yeah if Trump gets in and this winter sees an increase in the pandemic I'm selling my house in the city and buying a country home. I think cities are going to take a hit in sales this spring and an increase in rural areas will go up. For the first time ever there is more to do in the country than in cities.
Yeah if Trump gets in and this winter sees an increase in the pandemic I'm selling my house in the city and buying a country home. I think cities are going to take a hit in sales this spring and an increase in rural areas will go up. For the first time ever there is more to do in the country than in cities.
If Trump gets in again, many people will be changing plans and lives for the worse, it would be like some vision of a chaotic dystopia, this is but a preview of the reign of King Donald. Fortunately I believe the Americans will take their country back and that will lead to large scale reforms, provided they have a mandate and the senate seats. Though I think an economic and banking collapse is possible, God help us if Trump is in power and it happens. If you thought covid was something, a bank freeze up would close banks and render everybody's bank and credit cards useless. American economic activity is completely dependent on this private banking technology and businesses would go under by the thousands daily. The well to do, the middle class and the poor would all be in the same boat in a week or two, destitute.
I figure Trump will get about 38% of the national vote and hopefully takes a big bunch of republican senators with him when he goes. I'm watching Texas, some interesting things are happening on the ground there, it might be shifting under their feet.

Joe said if he wins he won't wait for inauguration day to take action on covid, when he is president elect he will begin publicly countering some of Donald's more lethal impulses. This will humiliate Trump as real power shifts to Joe after Dec 14th, this is not how it normally happens, but Joe will do it to save American lives, you would too. If Joe wins by a landslide and has a few democratic new senators at his back, he will have a mandate for change and the wind of real power at his back.

Donald can still do a lot of damage, but after the 14th, if Joe wins, he can publicly counteract Trump on covid and if required threaten to fire anybody who follows illegal orders and make whole anybody who did not break their oaths of service and were fired. Joe's team will be briefed and consulted by department heads and cabinet officials, I wonder who Joe's AG will be and how Barr is going to explain things to them, that would be an interesting conversation.
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