Rollitup Endorsements - Biden For President

I live in farming Bible belt. And i see first hand what Trump did to the American farmers. Its heart breaking
Now lets talk character?
Did Biden separate hundreds of children from their parents as an immigration deterrent ?

Why do you guys ask serious questions to a guy who says he's 19 year old?

He's never even voted before! :lol:

Also, he's using an avatar image from a movie that came out when he was 4. :lol: :lol:

Biden checks out far far far better than Trump when it comes to the truth. What are your sources? Fact check is a respected fact checking sources as is politifact. is my source. The misrepresentations identified, from both candidates, were of the same nature. Placing them in the same neighborhood of dishonesty.

the subjects of their dishonesty is a DIFFERENT discussion. Fact is they are both pretty dishonest on very important issues, especially when they are backed in a corner. is my source. The misrepresentations identified, from both candidates, were of the same nature. Placing them in the same neighborhood of dishonesty.

the subjects of their dishonesty is a DIFFERENT discussion. Fact is they are both pretty dishonest on very important issues, especially when they are backed in a corner.
Honest question. Do you have any examples that i could possibly look up?
the hill (founded by democratic power broker and NYT correspondent)

ap news:

Note in the fine print OF the fine print they point out the existence of an additional rating category ‘Politics and Fact checking‘. Fact checking! By far the most important rating factor closely followed up by politics

in that the ap news was rated left as well as its overall media bias being a bit left despite being listed as centrist.

The Associated Press has a Center media bias, though close to Lean Left. NOTE: AllSides gives a separate bias rating for AP’s Politics and Fact Check sections, which we rate as Lean Left.
The guy that founded the Hill died in 2012 unfortunately. Right about the same time that Russia started vacuuming up these 'free' resource tabloid sites. They were perfect for cherry picking narratives and gave their trolls great places to link the unsuspecting public false credibility.


Could you point me to your source of the hill being a Russian propaganda internet tabloid? Despite my disagreement I could at least converse with you of youd said something like ‘the hill leans right or the hill is clearly right’. Instead you take a flameflower to a snowball fight.
I posted a couple links under Justin Timberlake judgmental face that would give you insight into how they do fluff stories on Russian interest stories like "Butina". I usually do a search on the websites when I check them out and they do a nice job of pointing me to how much of a tabloid for Russian made propaganda they are.

If you want more about how the Hill worked as Russian propaganda:

From the Senate report on the attack on our election by the Russian military:
The above proves that the Hill was used in the Russian militaries attack on our citizens and should not be trusted (outside of their unedited videos), and everything that they do needs to be understood as it could be trying to steer you to not vote/vote third party if you are not a Trump supporter.

If you really want to see some good stuff watch some of their web-i-sodes from before Biden secured the nomination for the Democratic party to see how hard they were selling against him using propaganda that just so happens Trump and the Russians were pushing.
the hill (founded by democratic power broker and NYT correspondent)

i actually dont support trump. Only reason i mostly cited the left is because its generally held this bias pattern predominates(that is opinionated information).

so lets refocus on the point of my interjecting in this thread. Despite where my or your benchmark is on the spectrum, which is superfluous at this point. Why do you implore people to fact check while giving a pass to journalist who fall prey to propaganda and say stupid shit?
I think you mean you 'mostly cited 'the Hill' (instead of 'the left'). If not I apologize but I am not sure what this last part meant.

AP news will help them to get the complete story on issues that they most likely have read so much propaganda about (because of it is pinpoint accuracy at spamming all their chat feeds) that is non-biased source material. It is not so much fact checking I guess as double checking that they have all the pieces to the story, because of cherry picked narratives that cleverly use free websites like 'the Hill' to not mention things against the con that the foreign militaries are putting in place to get Trump re-eelcted.

I also am not sure which journalists you are saying that I gave a pass to.
Why do you guys ask serious questions to a guy who says he's 19 year old?

He's never even voted before! :lol:

Also, he's using an avatar image from a movie that came out when he was 4. :lol: :lol:

Oh damn 19 and never voted? Voting is extremely hard. If you vote for your conscience its time to regroup or stop voting. Write in votes siphon off legitimate votes
The guy that founded the Hill died in 2012 unfortunately. Right about the same time that Russia started vacuuming up these 'free' resource tabloid sites. They were perfect for cherry picking narratives and gave their trolls great places to link the unsuspecting public false credibility.


I posted a couple links under Justin Timberlake judgmental face that would give you insight into how they do fluff stories on Russian interest stories like "Butina". I usually do a search on the websites when I check them out and they do a nice job of pointing me to how much of a tabloid for Russian made propaganda they are.

If you want more about how the Hill worked as Russian propaganda:

From the Senate report on the attack on our election by the Russian military:

The above proves that the Hill was used in the Russian militaries attack on our citizens and should not be trusted (outside of their unedited videos), and everything that they do needs to be understood as it could be trying to steer you to not vote/vote third party if you are not a Trump supporter.

If you really want to see some good stuff watch some of their web-i-sodes from before Biden secured the nomination for the Democratic party to see how hard they were selling against him using propaganda that just so happens Trump and the Russians were pushing.

I think you mean you 'mostly cited 'the Hill' (instead of 'the left'). If not I apologize but I am not sure what this last part meant.

AP news will help them to get the complete story on issues that they most likely have read so much propaganda about (because of it is pinpoint accuracy at spamming all their chat feeds) that is non-biased source material. It is not so much fact checking I guess as double checking that they have all the pieces to the story, because of cherry picked narratives that cleverly use free websites like 'the Hill' to not mention things against the con that the foreign militaries are putting in place to get Trump re-eelcted.

I also am not sure which journalists you are saying that I gave a pass to.
Did they list one credible fact check sources? is my source. The misrepresentations identified, from both candidates, were of the same nature. Placing them in the same neighborhood of dishonesty.

the subjects of their dishonesty is a DIFFERENT discussion. Fact is they are both pretty dishonest on very important issues, especially when they are backed in a corner.
Wait, what? You are saying that Biden and Trump are in the same neighborhood of honesty from a fact check website?

Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 1.31.06 PM.png

46 vs 9. No contest on the amplitude anyways.

Biden's factchecks.

Trump's factchecks.
I was honestly curious if those are hus thoughts

The First thing you think when someone says both candidates are trash is ‘he must think 9/11 was an inside job and he must not vote’

talk about judgemental and prejudicial. My lord. This IS the definition.

I would think you would hear this persons truth while being supportive, welcoming and a champion of its existence.
Wait, what? You are saying that Biden and Trump are in the same neighborhood of honesty from a fact check website?
The dude said biden is a stud and that is a truth oracle. So i looked at its evaluation of the debate. The lies IT established were on par for both candidates.

im not agreeing or disagreeing with what it says. Just pointing out HIS source does not support HIS argument that biden is a stud.
DUDE. Im not arguing for a candidate here. We are talking about bias in journalism
Journalism is definitely political, not all but some. MSNBC is the Fox news for democrats. I trust most of the media giants to a degree. Meaning i will fact check stories. But lets be honest. Fox news is a hate machine. Why else would a media source say a potus has Muslim prayer curtains in the white house, which was an outright lie. The point is. Right-wing media promotes fear to get voters in line and left promotes hope
The dude said biden is a stud and that is a truth oracle. So i looked at its evaluation of the debate. The lies IT established were on par for both candidates.

im not agreeing or disagreeing with what it says. Just pointing out HIS source does not support HIS argument that biden is a stud.
Stud is usually used to voice an opinion, not fact
My opinion of Biden goes back to Obama. That's enough for me. They pulled us out of the worst recession in history. Killed or captured more terrorists than any other potus and vice potus. Not one scandal, 15 million jobs created. Brought troops home, reduced the deficit by 75-80% deported more undocumented aliens than Trump clinton and bush combined, record stock market highs. All undisputed facts
Journalism is definitely political, not all but some. MSNBC is the Fox news for democrats. I trust most of the media giants to a degree. Meaning i will fact check stories. But lets be honest. Fox news is a hate machine. Why else would a media source say a potus has Muslim prayer curtains in the white house, which was an outright lie. The point is. Right-wing media promotes fear to get voters in line and left promotes hope
I think of CNN as Fox for the Democrats. MSNBC pretty relentless in their attack against anyone in power. But really all three networks cover the same information, just each has different talking heads chewing it up for their audiences.

I do agree with Fox pushing the hate though. And they also have had to argue in court a lot more with their 'hosts' not being 'news' so they can lie.
CNN isnt for Democrats as much as you think. They just have it out for potus. Trump screwed CNN so they do pay close attention to him
Confession. I was/am a registered Republican at 50 years old. 30 years ago Biden and Obama would have had to run as Republicans. Thats how much this party has changed. The right has gone completely off the rails with extremism. I dont support left supremacy either. The only way to fix or remove this bad blood in Washington is we the voters support candidates that are moderate. Biden is that guy. We need both parties working together not against each other. Ive been to a Trump rally and you would not believe the anger and hate that's displayed. Its very 1939 Germany feeling. I voted for Obama twice. And will vote for Biden.
Confession. I was/am a registered Republican at 50 years old. 30 years ago Biden and Obama would have had to run as Republicans. Thats how much this party has changed. The right has gone completely off the rails with extremism. I dont support left supremacy either. The only way to fix or remove this bad blood in Washington is we the voters support candidates that are moderate. Biden is that guy. We need both parties working together not against each other. Ive been to a Trump rally and you would not believe the anger and hate that's displayed. Its very 1939 Germany feeling. I voted for Obama twice. And will vote for Biden.
It's BYEDON :cool:
So many people have lost the ability to have their way of thinking challenged. Especially the right. Opinions are the new facts. Presenting these people with actual facts, is literally offensive. Thats because they refuse to think for themselves. They would prefer to be fed Opinions that support their opinions. Thats the new facts. That is authoritarian behavior. I remember people would have a friendly debate if they disagreed. Now if you disagree you're labeled a libtard or socialist. Everyone has a voice now days and i think people should have to pass an IQ and personality test before being allowed to use the web lol
Why do you guys ask serious questions to a guy who says he's 19 year old?

He's never even voted before! :lol:

Also, he's using an avatar image from a movie that came out when he was 4. :lol: :lol:


talk about bias you numbskull who is supposed to be administrating/facilitating a bias free platform for communication. You not only judge me but evaluate me publicly. And, youve still not addressed my points

so.....for the record. Im 43, divorced, single father of 2, type - diabetic since the age of 3, raised in a middle income family on long island.

Im also business owner(started/funded and ran for past 15 yrs By myself) that is the sole supporter of his family(including an ex). But so many policy out there penalizes me for this success, and increasingly so. I pay far more dollarwise and percentage wise than those utilizong most of those services. services which are vital, and indont mind paying increased percentages to support. To a degree

that degree has happened as i contemplating making less money to qualify for govt services(daycare, health insurance, food, discounts at most retail venues....the list goes on).

My internal real decision based on exonomics is the point for me when the welfare state has gone too far
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