talk about bias you numbskull who is supposed to be administrating/facilitating a bias free platform for communication. You not only judge me but evaluate me publicly. And, youve still not addressed my points
so.....for the record. Im 43, divorced, single father of 2, type - diabetic since the age of 3, raised in a middle income family on long island.
Im also business owner(started/funded and ran for past 15 yrs By myself) that is the sole supporter of his family(including an ex). But so many policy out there penalizes me for this success, and increasingly so. I pay far more dollarwise and percentage wise than those utilizong most of those services. services which are vital, and indont mind paying increased percentages to support. To a degree
that degree has happened as i contemplating making less money to qualify for govt services(daycare, health insurance, food, discounts at most retail venues....the list goes on).
My internal real decision based on exonomics is the point for me when the welfare state has gone too far