saw it- he's crazy everyone handles the pandemic his or her own way

I hope none of them vote because in my opinion most of the mentally ill-equipped to make an intelligent decision are deplorables.
I think she’s starting to realize there may not be any money. I bet the recent tax revelations was news to her too. That’s why she’s pissed and not campaigning. Baron may have to go to public school.Was it really worth the money, Honey?
“Since trump has now lowered this debate to trashing family.....
– don jr HATES his father.
-ivanka is a lesbian on the low.
-eric f**ked miss universe on the apprentice board room table while with his now-wife. #Debates2020.”
10 Days James and it will be the beginning of the end of the nightmare, power will begin to drain away from Trump, after Dec 14th and Joe becomes president elect, the rate of loss will increase dramatically. Joe already said he is gonna act against covid during the post election period, he will counter Donald's more destructive moves publicly and humiliate Trump while trying to save lives. Saving American lives will motivate Joe to do unexpected and extreme things as President elect and as POTUS, he will do what is required and some won't like it, he will be justified in doing it too.Here's some humor from one of my favorite comedians/talk show hosts, really only surpassed by Colbert in my mind
Sad thing is that nothing is really funny to me anymore, all the jokes about Trump's stupity/incompetency are like chalk on a blackboard in my mind now, that unnerving sound that makes you cringe.
I'm really fucking drained
This whole fucking year is/has been a tragedy, or shall I say the last 4 years.
Today it was announced that new COVID-19 cases/deaths reached a record high, not seen since July.
And this is just the beginning of the most dangerous time period for the Flu/Corona virus.
Oh, and yea the virus has finally hit home.
A friend of mine (sold herb to her) who is a security guard at the school where my wife teaches was admitted to the hospital Thursday & now the school is trying to figure out what the fuck too do.
Over 15 teachers called out sick yesterday, almost enough to declare an emergency shutdown of the school.
On Monday they are going to attempt to initiate some sort of a rapid testing program for the teachers/students that contacted Maria.
Fucking attempt
Utter fucking madness.
Peace/stay safe![]()
Here's some humor from one of my favorite comedians/talk show hosts, really only surpassed by Colbert in my mind
Sad thing is that nothing is really funny to me anymore, all the jokes about Trump's stupity/incompetency are like chalk on a blackboard in my mind now, that unnerving sound that makes you cringe.
I'm really fucking drained
This whole fucking year is/has been a tragedy, or shall I say the last 4 years.
Today it was announced that new COVID-19 cases/deaths reached a record high, not seen since July.
And this is just the beginning of the most dangerous time period for the Flu/Corona virus.
Oh, and yea the virus has finally hit home.
A friend of mine (sold herb to her) who is a security guard at the school where my wife teaches was admitted to the hospital Thursday & now the school is trying to figure out what the fuck too do.
Over 15 teachers called out sick yesterday, almost enough to declare an emergency shutdown of the school.
On Monday they are going to attempt to initiate some sort of a rapid testing program for the teachers/students that contacted Maria.
Fucking attempt
Utter fucking madness.
Peace/stay safe![]()
Get a distraction, James. Myself, I try to counteract the bad stuff with comedy. Watch some stand-up from Richard Prior, Rodney Dangerfield, Redd Foxx, you know. Or, some Marx Bros., Laurel & Hardy, Three Stooges, or Mel Brooks movies. I feel the anxiety and have to fight it. Laughter releases endorphins.Here's some humor from one of my favorite comedians/talk show hosts, really only surpassed by Colbert in my mind
Sad thing is that nothing is really funny to me anymore, all the jokes about Trump's stupity/incompetency are like chalk on a blackboard in my mind now, that unnerving sound that makes you cringe.
I'm really fucking drained
This whole fucking year is/has been a tragedy, or shall I say the last 4 years.
Today it was announced that new COVID-19 cases/deaths reached a record high, not seen since July.
And this is just the beginning of the most dangerous time period for the Flu/Corona virus.
Oh, and yea the virus has finally hit home.
A friend of mine (sold herb to her) who is a security guard at the school where my wife teaches was admitted to the hospital Thursday & now the school is trying to figure out what the fuck too do.
Over 15 teachers called out sick yesterday, almost enough to declare an emergency shutdown of the school.
On Monday they are going to attempt to initiate some sort of a rapid testing program for the teachers/students that contacted Maria.
Fucking attempt
Utter fucking madness.
Peace/stay safe![]()
I'm trying.Get a distraction, James. Myself, I try to counteract the bad stuff with comedy. Watch some stand-up from Richard Prior, Rodney Dangerfield, Redd Foxx, you know. Or, some Marx Bros., Laurel & Hardy, Three Stooges, or Mel Brooks movies. I feel the anxiety and have to fight it. Laughter releases endorphins.
I'm trying.
These guy's help
Those things aggravate me.i'm enjoying Karens lately.
10 Days James and it will be the beginning of the end of the nightmare, power will begin to drain away from Trump, after Dec 14th and Joe becomes president elect, the rate of loss will increase dramatically. Joe already said he is gonna act against covid during the post election period, he will counter Donald's more destructive moves publicly and humiliate Trump while trying to save lives. Saving American lives will motivate Joe to do unexpected and extreme things as President elect and as POTUS, he will do what is required and some won't like it, he will be justified in doing it too.
Donald is not deserving of respect or consideration, respect is earned, so is contempt, he murdered over a hundred thousand, humiliated the nation, dishonored the office, broke his oath, the US constitution and the law, fuck him. Donald's pride vs American lives saved, what do you think Joe will do? What would you do?
The turnout is massive James, Pennsylvania turn out is up over 1000% with 10 days to go until the end of voting, Texas numbers are are crazy as are most other states. Something is happening James and the polls and models aren't capturing it fully, people are voting early and in large numbers, registrations are up and turn out is expected to top 155 million. Donald is dancing and howling like there's a live wire shoved up his asshole and republicans are running from him like he's on fire. His campaign is broke and appears to be collapsing, many of his dirty tricks have fizzled and he desperately wanted Barr to arrest everybody in sight including Joe!
10 days to go James, it should be quite a ride and we need to make an election night thread cause I figure we will know by 9:00 PM eastern, if Florida goes blue, game over for Donald. Texas will be interesting and we should know by 11:00 PM eastern how that is going. I think it will end up being a party thread, I'm even considering buying a bottle of wine for the evening.Win or lose you'll end up pissed!