My odor control technique


Well-Known Member
I took a huge bag of potpouri and placed in a huge bowl. My fan in the closet is on top to circulate the air. I stuck the bowl right in front of the fan (far enough away to not blow the crap around) and it's working like a miracle. Then I placed 3 more bowls of potpouri around the room and it's smelling wonderful!

The only other thing I use is a plug in air wick you can buy at the grocery store (I got mine for free with a coupon). I really think this is all I will need. The stink was horrible before this and now you would never know!
people will still notice various smells. they'll say but whats that other smell just say i farted must be the eggs and chilli sause i had for lunch
I have a DIY on how to easily build your own Carbon Air Filter for like 35 bucks. Video Man also has a DIY on making your own odor control bucket, its so simple you just sit it in a room, plug it in and the odor is completely eliminated, and even replaces it with a nice fresh scent.

Both are good DIYs for controlling your odor
I've never met a potpouri batch that could cover one of my average shits. You must be growing one of hearmenow's plants.
I've never met a potpouri batch that could cover one of my average shits. You must be growing one of hearmenow's plants.

Well I have had enough of the childish BS that this site has become. Sorry but these buds are TOP NOTCH and guess what IT WORKS!!! You pety antics is the #1 reason people don't come on here anymore! Now add me too the list because nobody needs DILDOS that just lurk around being JERKS!
whatever works, right???

no one even comes to my house that doens't smoke pot
and we're always doing previously mentioned activity

so yeah like shaman... you wouldn't even know i was grwoing

grow on, and shrug off the dipshits... they aren't even worth worrying about
Well I have had enough of the childish BS that this site has become. Sorry but these buds are TOP NOTCH and guess what IT WORKS!!! You pety antics is the #1 reason people don't come on here anymore! Now add me too the list because nobody needs DILDOS that just lurk around being JERKS!

My bad, dude...I was more than fucked up last night. We need a little icon we can click that flags posts as ignorable when we are blasted. Guess that's a hazard of blogging with druggies!
I don't know about potpourie to mask the smell. It didn't work on my smelly plant. It did on the other scentless plant, though but that doesn't count. I would go with the ONA bucket method that's been around a couple years.
Hey buddy, I'm glad you found a solution to one problem.
Some people are going to jump on this and say, you are simply masking the smell, but its no matter, so long as you feel safe.
That's all that's really important.
Peace Bro

I took a huge bag of potpouri and placed in a huge bowl. My fan in the closet is on top to circulate the air. I stuck the bowl right in front of the fan (far enough away to not blow the crap around) and it's working like a miracle. Then I placed 3 more bowls of potpouri around the room and it's smelling wonderful!

The only other thing I use is a plug in air wick you can buy at the grocery store (I got mine for free with a coupon). I really think this is all I will need. The stink was horrible before this and now you would never know!
Vid, he is masking the smell. Potpourie has no odor absorbing properties - it's basically wood chips and dried flowers with enhanced fragances. But, like you said, as long as he's happy with it. I wouldn't be comfortable with that, though as pot has a very powerful aroma and even though he may think the smell is "gone" it could be detectable by those in the know.

Hey buddy, I'm glad you found a solution to one problem.
Some people are going to jump on this and say, you are simply masking the smell, but its no matter, so long as you feel safe.
That's all that's really important.
Peace Bro
I have found that videomans bucket works well until ~4-5 weeks into flowering. From then on, only the carbon filter works. I still run the ONA machine during drying as it works well during that process, but after 5 weeks the smell was sooo dank that I had to swallow it up and buy the carbon filter.
wait a minute. steelersfan comes on here a just throws out a technique that he' has proven to work for himself and he gets bashed? i kept hearing of rumors of assholes on this site. now i know it to be true. seems he was only trying to help. sounds like a descent idea to me. whenever i burn sulfur that's all i can smell for 2 weeks. sometimes "masking" works. if you can't smell it you can't smell it.

good luck steelersfan. happy growing and smoke one for me.
haha... one of my best kept odor hiding secrets....

my dumbass cat
if you don't smell the pot we just smoked
that's likely what you'll smell

goddamn piece of shit feline...
haha... one of my best kept odor hiding secrets....

my dumbass cat
if you don't smell the pot we just smoked
that's likely what you'll smell

goddamn piece of shit feline...

Fuckin' priceless, man! At least your cat indirectly has a use. My useless dog only barks at lizards...not intruders.
Hey, check me out...I'm fucked up again!

Let's see if I can piss someone off while trying to be funny...I don't think potpouri could even overcome the smell of the gunk between my leg and my ballsack!

BTW, hearmenow, did you get the reference to your smell-less plant on my earlier post? That shit's hard to do when stoned...I thought it was funny as shit!

P.S. -- I'm fucked up again...please don't take anything I type personally. There. You've been warned. Now fuck off!
Here's something from the (OTHER BIG SITE) that's about odor control. WOW, I guess some others talked about my idea too. Just proving my point and moving on!

What methods can I use to remove smells?

The following tips can be used to cover the smell from smoking, or possibly a small grow.
Holmes Odor Grabber or True Air, available at Wal-Mart, Kmart or Target for under $20 US (A more powerful version is available for $29US.) These fan powered carbon air filters work great for small grows. One in the closet or grow room, and one in the adjacent room works very well. Replace the filters once a month (Necessary to keep the carbon active), which cost under $5.

Zeolite (Home Depot). Hang the bag in the grow room. There is also a similar product (“Odour rocks”) used for pet odors, in the pet section at Wal-Mart. Both products are between $5 to $8 US.

Potpourri in electric crock pots. Add scented oils , scented beads, potpourri mixes, spices, you can make it as strong as you like. I keep one near the main entrance of my home, fill it up once or twice and it lasts all day. You can find these near the craft section at Wal-Mart with the potpourri mixes and oils.

Place a small fan with a Bounce dryer sheet laying on the back of the fan, place the fan near your grow. The air is filtered by the scent of the sheet. Many of you may know already how well dryer sheets work.

Ona gel/liquid. Open container and let sit. Removes mild smell for up to two weeks before refilling with Ona liquid is required. The gel can also be placed near a fan (as above)

Glade plug-ins. They work okay, but won’t be enough to cover the smell alone. A few around the house can’t hurt, just change them monthly. Hang some car fresheners all over the place.

The best defense is fresh air. ALWAYS crack a window during the day, even in the winter.

Carpet sprinkle and vacuum products. You will smell it at for at least a few hours, good to use when company is coming over.

Charcoal for use on the bottom of soil, to absorb plant odors. Use an inch or so on the bottom of your soil to neutralize plant odors.

Some other quick smell-busting remedies:
Pine Sol
cook something.
paint something
brew some strong coffee
scented candles,
spray air fresheners
Add some of the above to your central AC filter, or furnace air intake. Also, dryer sheets work well in a window AC unit’s filter." Try these things in combinations and use often for the best results.