First off, can any one tell me if my light specifications are good. Do males grow white pistons to? How to save plants that are maturing to soon because of plant food?What up, please call me Legos. Been blazing it for about 7 years, growing weed for about 2 years now. Been tweaking for the past month, iv tried most of the mediocre stuff. From xanax to the coco, i wanna try lean. Originally i was here for free tips and what not, buut the community vibes here have spoken to me. Im a very friendly character, i love me a good discussion/debate. I love learning, for example how to do stuff or how a person thinks and reacts. Down to talk about anything, sadly im not great at putting my thoughts in to words so bare with me. I do drugs cause i might be insane. I wanna save the world. But its not a one man job, shit be stressful.