Flowering time starts when?


Well-Known Member
Hello Folks,
If my plant started flowering 8 days into the 14 day transition period, do I start counting the expected 8 weeks of flowering from when it first flowered or from the end of the transition period?

Please excuse my dumb questions, it’s my very first time Growing.
It's debatable. I just count from flip to make it simple. I do grow mostly clones though so they're really mature and start flowering right away. If you start at 12/12 from seed then you'd need to count from when they start budding.

Also, don't trust breeder times. Plan on an extra 2 weeks or so. Don't harvest too early either. Post pics when you're get close and we can help.


Active Member
It's debatable. I just count from flip to make it simple. I do grow mostly clones though so they're really mature and start flowering right away. If you start at 12/12 from seed then you'd need to count from when they start budding.
Thank you. Yes it was from seed.
Also, it was a random bag seed, so the 8 weeks was an approximation.
But thank you
Also, don't trust breeder times. Plan on an extra 2 weeks or so. Don't harvest too early either. Post pics when you're get close and we can help.


Well-Known Member
Hello Folks,
If my plant started flowering 8 days into the 14 day transition period, do I start counting the expected 8 weeks of flowering from when it first flowered or from the end of the transition period?

Please excuse my dumb questions, it’s my very first time Growing.
I started counting my days in flower as soon as I switched my light to 12 hours on and 12 hours off I think u should count days in flower as soon as first signs of pre flower I'm looking at my plant and if I was still counting from light switch she will be 14 days in but she really looks 7days in.


Well-Known Member
I personally count my flowering time from the time I flip/trigger/switch the plants to 12 hours of darkness/12 hours of light. I wouldn't ever calculate based on buds forming because some strains are going to be way different than others.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i count from first bud signs, but thats me. but as pointed out allready, dont go by the breeders time frame on flowering, its a great selling point, but most if not all plants will need extra time in flower


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be no help here I keep track of both just make cents to me got to keep it ez for myself LoL as always thank you for your time and the best of luck


Well-Known Member
i count from first bud signs, but thats me. but as pointed out allready, dont go by the breeders time frame on flowering, its a great selling point, but most if not all plants will need extra time in flower
NEVER go off what people say because it varies on environment, veg time, plant size, lighting, airflow, etc.. etc.. etc.... I like to harvest every 8 weeks but I've hand selected strains that actually are milky trichomes in 8 weeks of 12/12.

I'm also running 1150 WATT DE HPS Gavita fixtures, 1000 ppm co2 and aggressively feeding with a variety of nutrients & supplements.

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